@@ -27,7 +27,11 @@ If you want to add a place from a secondary group, such as another research grou
Click on **"Connect"**. You will be prompted to sign in to an account. **Use your University credentials to sign in, NOT your HCC credentials.** Both your University username and email address will work.
Click on **"Connect"**. You will be prompted to sign in to an account. **Use your University credentials to sign in, NOT your HCC credentials.** For UNL, UNK, and UNO users both your University username and email address will work as the username. For UNMC users, you must use your NUID in the format of `<NUID>@nead.nebraska.edu` as the username, replacing `<NUID>` with your 8 digit NUID.
{{% notice info %}}
For UNMC users, you must use your NUID username and password to login (not UNMC credentials). Use the format `00000000@nead.nebraska.edu` for your username, where 00000000 is your NUID.
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ From the **"Drive"** menu, specify the drive letter for the connection. We choos
In the **"Folder"** box, enter **"\\\nrdstor.unl.edu\user"** to access your user folder or use **"\\\nrdstor.unl.edu\group"** folder. These are automatically assigned to be in your primary HCC group's directory.
_Note that the words 'user' and 'group' are literal words here, **not** placeholders._
@@ -47,13 +49,23 @@ If you want to add a place from a secondary group, such as another research grou
Click on **"Finish"**. You will be prompted to sign in to an account. **Use your University credentials to sign in, NOT your HCC credentials**. Both your University username and email address will work. **Note that, If you are on a University managed device, a sign-in may not be required**.
_Note the username is slightly different when **not** using a University-managed machine. You will need to prepend_`UNL-AD\` _to your existing username._
_Note the username is slightly different when **not** using a University-managed machine. You will need to prepend a prefix to your existing username._
**The credentials to use depends on which campus you are associated with.** Users from UNL, UNK, and UNO may use their local campus credentials.
Users from UNMC must use their NUID username and password. Refer to the following table:
{{<figuresrc="/images/Network_Credintials_1.png"width="700"class="img-border"title="Sign-in from a University-managed machine">}}
{{% notice info %}}
**For a device that is not managed by the University, you will need to add "UNL-AD\" before your username. For example "jsmith1" would be "UNL-AD\jsmith1".**
For a device that is not managed by the University, you will need to add the appropriate prefix before your username. For example "jsmith1@unl.edu" would be "UNL-AD\jsmith1".
{{% /notice %}}
{{<figuresrc="/images/Network_Credintials_2.png"width="700"class="img-border"title="Sign-in from a non University-managed machine">}}