The job can be submitted through the command `sbatch`. The job status
can be monitored by entering `squeue` with the `-u` option.
$ sbatch sas.submit
$ squeue -u <username>
Replace `<username>` with your HCC username.
#### Sample Output
The results of the t-test are computed and printed to the `.lst` file
## SAS on JupyterHub
Sas can also be run on Jupyter notebook environments available through [HCC Open OnDemand]({{<relref"../../open_ondemand/connecting_to_hcc_ondemand/">}}). [Launch a jupyter notebook session]({{<relref"../../open_ondemand/virtual_desktop_and_interactive_apps/">}}). After the Jupyter Notebook session starts, select `SAS` from the `New` dropdown box.
Here you can run code in the notebook's cells. The SAS code is then ran when you click on the "play" icon or pressing the `shift` and `enter` keys simultaneously.
## SAS on Anvil
SAS can also be ran on a Windows 10 instance on anvil. This allows SAS scripts to be run with a full GUI environment.
Start off creating a `Windows 10 SAS` instance from the [Anvil dashboard]( [Create an instance]({{<relref"../../anvil/">}}) and use the image labeled `Windows 10 SAS`. Once the instance is fully launched, [connect to the instance]({{<relref"../../anvil/">}}) using the retrieved password. After connecting to the instance and logging , SAS can be launched from the desktop shortcut.
The job can be submitted through the command `sbatch`. The job status
can be monitored by entering `squeue` with the `-u` option.
$ sbatch sas.submit
$ squeue -u <username>
Replace `<username>` with your HCC username.
#### Sample Output
The results of the t-test are computed and printed to the `.lst` file
## SAS on JupyterHub
Sas can also be run on Jupyter notebook environments available through [HCC Open OnDemand]({{<relref"../../open_ondemand/connecting_to_hcc_ondemand/">}}). [Launch a jupyter notebook session]({{<relref"../../open_ondemand/virtual_desktop_and_interactive_apps/">}}). After the Jupyter Notebook session starts, select `SAS` from the `New` dropdown box.
Here you can run code in the notebook's cells. The SAS code is then ran when you click on the "play" icon or pressing the `shift` and `enter` keys simultaneously.
## SAS on Anvil
SAS can also be ran on a Windows 10 instance on anvil. This allows SAS scripts to be run with a full GUI environment.
Start off creating a `Windows 10 SAS` instance from the [Anvil dashboard]( [Create an instance]({{<relref"../../anvil/">}}) and use the image labeled `Windows 10 SAS`. Once the instance is fully launched, [connect to the instance]({{<relref"../../anvil/">}}) using the retrieved password. After connecting to the instance and logging , SAS can be launched from the desktop shortcut.