Remove parts that say the home directory is not writeable from the worker nodes
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3@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ If you want to create and use a BLAST database that is not mentioned above, chec
Basic SLURM example of nucleotide BLAST run against the non-redundant **nt** BLAST database with `8 CPUs` is provided below. When running BLAST alignment, it is recommended to first copy the query and database files to the **/scratch/** directory of the worker node. Moreover, the BLAST output is also saved in this directory (**/scratch/blastn_output.alignments**). After BLAST finishes, the output file is copied from the worker node to your current work directory.
@@ -86,7 +85,6 @@ The default BLAST output is in pairwise format. However, BLAST’s parameter **-
Basic SLURM example of protein BLAST run against the non-redundant **nr **BLAST database with tabular output format and `8 CPUs` is shown below. Similarly as before, the query and database files are copied to the **/scratch/** directory. The BLAST output is also saved in this directory (**/scratch/blastx_output.alignments**). After BLAST finishes, the output file is copied from the worker node to your current work directory.