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Update _FAQ_My Open OnDemand JupyterLab/Interactive App Session is stuck and...

Closed hchen2016 requested to merge hchen2016-faq-home-is-full into master
+ 12
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ weight = "95"
- [I want to talk to a human about my problem. Can I do that?](#i-want-to-talk-to-a-human-about-my-problem-can-i-do-that)
- [My submitted job takes long time waiting in the queue or it is not running?](#my-submitted-job-takes-long-time-waiting-in-the-queue-or-it-is-not-running)
- [What IP's do I use to allow connections to/from HCC resources?](#what-ip-s-do-i-use-to-allow-connections-to-from-hcc-resources)
- [Why is my job is showing (ReqNodeNotAvail, Reserved for maintenance) before a downtime?](#why-is-my-job-is-showing-reqnodenotavail-reserved-for-maintenance-before-a-downtime)
- [Why my job is showing (ReqNodeNotAvail, Reserved for maintenance) before a downtime?](#why-my-job-is-showing-reqnodenotavail-reserved-for-maintenance-before-a-downtime)
- [Why is my Open OnDemand JupyterLab/Interactive App Session stuck and not starting?](#why-is-my-open-ondemand-jupyterLab-interactive-app-session-stuck-and-not-starting)
@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ if your local network blocks outgoing connections. To allow HCC IP's, add the fo
If you are unsure on how to do this, contact your local IT support staff for assistance.
For additional questions or issues with this, please [Contact Us](
#### Why is my job is showing (ReqNodeNotAvail, Reserved for maintenance) before a downtime?
#### Why my job is showing (ReqNodeNotAvail, Reserved for maintenance) before a downtime?
Jobs submitted before a downtime may pend and show _(ReqNodeNotAvail, Reserved for maintenance)_ for their status.
(Information on upcoming downtimes can be found at [](
Any job which cannot finish before a downtime is scheduled to begin will pend and show this message. For example,
@@ -250,3 +251,12 @@ If you are sure your job can finish in time, you can lower the requested time to
the downtime begins (for example, 4 days if the downtime starts in 6 days). Use this with care however to ensure your
job isn't prematurely terminated. Alternatively, you can simply wait until the downtime is completed. Jobs will
automatically resume normally afterwards; no special action is required.
#### Why is my Open OnDemand JupyterLab/Interactive App Session stuck and not starting?
The most common reason for this is full `$HOME` directory. You can check the size of the directories in $HOME by running `ncdu` on the terminal from the `$HOME` directory.
Then, please remove any unnecessary data; move data to [$COMMON or $WORK]({{%relref "/handling_data/"%}}); or [back up important data elsewhere]({{%relr
ef "/handling_data/data_storage/"%}}).
If the majority of storage space in `$HOME` is utilized by `conda` environments, please [move the conda environments]({{%relref "/applications/user_softwa
re/using_anaconda_package_manager#moving-and-recreating-existing-environment"%}}) or [remove unused conda packages and caches]({{% relref "/applications
/user_software/using_anaconda_package_manager#remove-unused-anaconda-packages-and-caches" %}}).
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