Onboard two new uAchieve sandbox SP's
Attached are two new metadata files to replace the previous one that I sent to you for uAchieve. As I explained below, for uAchieve the SP is embedded in each web application so essentially I have two distinct SPs and as such have two distinct sets of metadata. Please use the attached metadata to replace the Idp setup you have already done for me. Sorry for the rework but It is only now becoming clear what the vendor is really doing since there are inconsistencies in the vendor documentation (gosh that never happens). Once set up it did work well for the first app; however, trying to activate the second app pointed out the inconsistencies.
These metadata files are for a sandbox environment that I am currently using. Later this spring we will probably update the actual test environment at which point there will be an additional set of metadata files for it and then in the summer an additional set of metadata file for the production environment. I am hoping that they can follow the pattern set by this new set of metadata files for the sandbox environment.