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lgraham6 / LincolnGroupGameSub
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"Starter Location" by Lincoln Graham
Use American dialect, brief room descriptions, and the serial comma.
When play begins:
now the right hand status line is "Morning";
say "You lie in a bright green field of well kept grass. Bees hum past your ears and the smell of manure is on the breeze. Gazing at the clouds above, they begin to part. A giant hand emerges from the sky, connected to an impossibly long arm. The hand smothers the sky as it moves impossibly fast towards you. All we can do is stare.[paragraph break]You wake up in your bed.";
YRoom is a room. The description is "Our room is a mess, you got way too drunk last night and trashed the damn place. Our protective sheilding along the walls and ceiling is still intact. You should inspect it to make sure though.[paragraph break]I wish we hadn't hidden the door, it always makes these things harder." The printed name of YRoom is "Your Room". Understand "My Room" as YRoom.
Living Room is a room.
Walls are scenery in YRoom. The description is "Tinfoil, condom wrappers, carpet samples, and aluminum shavings are all fastened to the walls with industrial grade creepy glue. The door may be gone, but we can get out in other ways." Understand "wall" as Walls.
Ceiling is scenery in YRoom. The description is "The ceiling is also covered in our protective shielding, it's peeling a little more than usual." Understand "Roof" as Ceiling.
Nightstand is a supporter in YRoom. The description is "Flimsy but I trust it with my life."
Spilled Glass is on Nightstand. The description is "An empty glass that was tipped over, but there's no spill anywhere. [paragraph break]Why did you bring an empty glass into your room?"
Yellow Cardboard is in YRoom. The description is "It's the container for magic growing celebrities. Grow amazing celebrities! Featuring Dane Cook, Pauley Shore, Michael Cera and Many More![paragraph break]Good decision.". Understand "Cardboard" as yellow cardboard.
Instead of examining Yellow Cardboard:
if player is on Bed:
instead say "It's too far away, I have to get off the bed to see it clearly.";
if player is not on bed:
say "It's the container for magic growing celebrities. Grow amazing celebrities! Featuring Dane Cook, Pauley Shore, Michael Cera and Many More![paragraph break]Good decision.";
Bed is a scenery supporter in YRoom. The description is "It's big and messy, very comfortable." The printed name of bed is "your bed"
Player is on Bed.
Report player getting off Bed:
say "An unmistakeable shy yet assertive yelp comes from your wallet.[paragraph break]";
An under bed is a container. Under bed is part of Bed. The printed name of under bed is "Storage space under your bed". Understand "under your bed" and "below bed" as under bed.
Empty Bottle of Lighter Fluid is in under bed. The description is "Last night's libations, I wish we could buy real liquor. Oh wait!"
MM is a man. The description is "Using your $5 as a blanket, he's napping in the fold of your wallet. Equipped with an authentic Hawaiian shirt and khaki pants, he does everything full sized Michael does." The printed name of MM is "Mini-Michael Cera". Understand "Michael", "yelp", "strange sound", "Cera", "Mini-Michael" and "Mini-Michael Cera" as MM.
Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “converse with [someone]” as talking to.
Check talking to: say "[The noun] doesn't reply."
Solution is scenery in YRoom. Understand "door", "clues", "alcohol", "help", and "a way out" as Solution.
Instead of examining Solution:
say "I can't see that and neither can you.";
Instead of talking to MM:
say "Mini-Michael Cera yawns and stretches as you wake him up.[paragraph break]'Uhh hey dude. I didn't think you had a cup big enough for me, but that thimble of lighter fluid really fucked me up.'";
Instead of asking MM about "last night":
say "I barely remember it, but my birth was beautiful. I think";
Instead of asking MM about "[solution]":
say "I don't know about that. I do remember you having to pee, so you ate the money in your wallet.";
Wallet is a container. The description is "A redish brown leather bill fold." Player is carrying Wallet.
MM is in Wallet.
Fake ID is in Wallet. The description is "Our one-way-ticket to BOOZETOWN"
Real ID is in Wallet. The description is "Remember to give this one to a cop."
$5 is in Wallet. $5 is edible. The description is "Our last $5."
House Key is a thing. The description is "It has a green tag with our address on it. 127 Bollares Drive.[paragraph break]We just have to rub it to go to our living room." MM carries House Key.
Report eating $5:
say "Michael Cera laughs[paragraph break]I can't believe you did that dude! But seriously here's the house key.[paragraph break]Mini-Michael Cera rolls over and tosses a house key at you";
now player carries House Key;
After rubbing House Key:
say "Feeling the key against your thumb, you start to feel dizzy. You blink and wake up in your living room.";
now player is in Living Room;
end the story saying "You did it! The game is all done.";