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Commit 8b4f73e3 authored by Zeynep Hakguder's avatar Zeynep Hakguder
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Update GettingFamiliar.ipynb

parent cbd250c7
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You will be graded on parts that are marked with **#TODO** comments. Read the comments in the code to make sure you don't miss any.
You will be graded on parts that are marked with **TODO** comments. Read the comments in the code to make sure you don't miss any.
### Mandatory for 478 & 878:
| | Tasks | 478 | 878 |
| 1 | Implement `preprocess` | 10 | 5 |
| 2 | Implement `partition` | 10 | 5 |
| 3 | Putting the model together | 5 | 5 |
### Mandatory for 878, bonus for 478
| | Tasks | 478 | 878 |
|4 | Implement `normalization` | 5 | 10 |
Points are broken down further below in Rubric sections. The **first** score is for 478, the **second** is for 878 students. There a total of 25 points in this assignment and extra 5 bonus points for 478 students.
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# Supervised Learning Model Skeleton
We'll use this skeleton for implementing different supervised learning algorithms. For this first assignment, we'll read and partition the [**madelon** dataset]( Features and labels for the first two examples are listed below. Please complete **preprocess** and **partition** functions.
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The 500 features in the **madelon** dataset have integer values:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
! echo '../data/'; head -n 2 ../data/ | nl -s '-) '
%% Output
1-) 485 477 537 479 452 471 491 476 475 473 455 500 456 507 478 491 447 422 480 482 515 482 464 484 477 496 509 491 459 482 483 505 508 458 509 517 479 487 473 472 474 531 485 508 517 489 507 515 440 465 550 532 450 483 460 469 507 485 479 458 516 480 460 479 648 480 561 481 474 474 544 484 490 451 494 480 486 459 521 500 466 457 494 492 488 497 477 461 473 464 476 471 481 507 474 500 481 536 464 501 479 480 483 462 470 181 510 470 431 482 496 481 469 539 491 482 481 476 533 495 474 485 479 495 465 541 493 488 452 481 491 501 477 479 503 529 540 504 482 463 477 530 508 488 488 474 479 506 478 511 501 474 483 575 478 482 461 480 543 415 527 477 487 486 511 474 477 482 476 516 466 492 561 479 472 457 497 475 452 491 477 454 461 472 481 490 526 490 459 478 461 516 511 544 519 487 485 475 477 476 478 470 493 581 484 476 521 474 492 459 487 504 464 485 478 465 603 475 481 491 555 424 528 511 384 525 459 478 477 539 479 508 471 517 482 518 473 478 506 476 507 434 466 480 547 518 516 476 492 454 463 497 477 531 472 495 532 496 492 480 480 479 517 470 470 500 468 477 486 553 490 499 450 469 466 479 476 401 491 551 477 517 492 475 537 516 472 451 484 471 469 523 496 482 458 487 477 457 458 493 458 517 478 482 474 517 482 488 490 485 440 455 464 531 483 467 494 488 414 491 494 497 501 476 481 485 478 476 491 492 523 492 476 464 496 473 658 507 628 484 468 448 502 618 438 486 496 535 452 497 490 485 504 477 481 473 517 476 479 483 482 458 464 466 473 482 497 479 497 495 489 483 500 490 479 471 468 496 419 513 475 471 514 479 480 486 480 477 494 454 480 539 477 441 482 461 484 510 475 485 480 474 474 442 477 502 402 478 504 476 484 475 488 486 524 506 480 451 512 498 478 485 495 476 496 485 496 485 486 482 505 528 496 533 504 512 474 646 526 485 541 487 568 492 467 479 483 479 546 476 457 463 517 471 482 630 481 494 440 509 507 512 496 488 462 498 480 511 500 437 537 470 515 476 467 401 485 499 495 490 508 463 487 531 515 476 482 463 467 479 477 481 477 485 511 485 481 479 475 496
2-) 483 458 460 487 587 475 526 479 485 469 434 483 465 503 472 478 469 518 495 491 478 530 462 494 549 469 516 487 475 486 478 514 542 406 469 452 483 498 480 476 474 504 478 493 472 461 521 521 499 458 466 519 487 485 489 485 551 516 435 487 525 481 529 486 488 513 415 463 481 481 491 504 496 433 475 416 481 482 493 536 483 416 553 460 554 447 477 499 470 527 476 480 507 522 474 485 478 479 468 397 482 469 477 476 553 431 489 447 535 487 488 557 485 515 484 497 479 494 436 470 477 468 480 587 503 429 496 502 473 485 522 484 481 486 519 455 442 499 470 483 508 510 481 494 483 473 481 510 480 447 538 497 475 404 479 519 486 492 520 519 500 482 486 487 533 487 476 480 475 459 470 522 489 477 447 519 484 472 458 510 529 539 456 478 490 509 481 524 530 478 495 507 459 467 494 470 480 491 476 503 485 475 508 488 495 477 507 482 447 482 483 455 485 474 478 579 540 484 508 480 492 517 490 547 510 465 495 477 475 497 477 442 489 507 466 504 493 471 478 467 530 551 476 470 575 477 510 486 473 504 451 450 477 506 480 506 575 502 486 489 485 479 488 524 465 516 443 503 517 498 482 467 454 407 484 479 475 498 514 492 477 435 491 475 503 480 506 512 482 477 504 527 454 483 458 473 484 542 469 459 462 503 477 492 469 467 475 483 491 464 466 475 477 502 483 506 474 494 469 524 483 434 488 463 495 483 468 481 493 489 538 469 477 480 460 495 469 469 528 544 497 497 462 478 494 481 493 461 482 483 471 422 493 511 471 497 523 476 462 453 471 502 475 536 481 389 491 464 500 553 467 497 489 486 490 540 487 488 526 477 480 462 523 483 488 475 485 479 492 452 479 441 475 442 476 475 484 500 570 482 481 428 477 456 477 546 502 477 516 467 512 469 498 501 503 539 493 505 543 556 486 483 514 476 457 507 475 448 479 481 486 500 489 442 509 479 500 517 489 488 494 496 463 460 472 478 457 487 420 463 484 474 459 311 479 582 480 495 538 487 537 488 485 483 500 487 476 526 449 363 466 478 465 479 482 549 470 506 481 494 492 448 492 447 598 507 478 483 492 485 463 478 487 338 513 486 483 492 510 517
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Labels are either positive (1) or negative (-1):
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
! echo '../data/madelon.labels'; head -n 2 ../data/madelon.labels | nl -s '-) '
%% Output
1-) -1
2-) -1
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## TASK 1: Implement `preprocess`
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This step is for reading the dataset and for extracting features and labels. The **preprocess** function should return an *n x d* **features** array, and an *n x 1* **labels** array, where *n* is the number of examples and *d* is the number of features in the dataset. In cases where there is a big difference between the scales of features, we want to normalize the features to have values in the same range [0,1]. Since this is not the case with this dataset, we will not do normalization.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def preprocess(feature_file, label_file):
feature_file: str
file containing features
label_file: str
file containing labels
features: ndarray
nxd features
labels: ndarray
nx1 labels
# You might find np.genfromtxt useful for reading in the file. Be careful with the file delimiter,
# e.g. for comma-separated files use delimiter=',' argument.
raise NotImplementedError
return features, labels
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### Rubric:
* Correct features size +5, +2.5
* Correct labels size +5, +2.5
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### Test `preprocess`
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``` python
features, labels = preprocess(feature_file = ..., label_file = ...)
# TODO: Output the dimension of both features and labels.
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## TASK 2: Implement `partition`
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Next, you'll need to split your dataset into training, validation and test sets. The **partition** function should take as input the size of the whole dataset and randomly sample a proportion *t* of the dataset indices for test partition and a proportion of *v* for validation partition. The remaining will be used as indices for training data. For example, to keep 30% of the examples as test and %10 as validation, set *t* = 0.3 and *v* = 0.1. You should choose these values according to the size of the data available to you. The **split** function should return indices of the training, validation and test sets. These will be used to index into the whole training set.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def partition(size, t, v = 0):
size: int
number of examples in the whole dataset
t: float
proportion kept for test
v: float
proportion kept for validation
test_indices: ndarray
1D array containing test set indices
val_indices: ndarray
1D array containing validation set indices
train_indices: ndarray
1D array containing train set indices
# np.random.permutation might come in handy. Do not sample with replacement!
# Be sure not to use the same indices in test and validation sets!
# use the first np.ceil(size*t) for test,
# the following np.ceil(size*v) for validation set.
raise NotImplementedError
return test_indices, val_indices, train_indices
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### Rubric:
* Correct length of test indices +5, +2.5
* Correct length of validation indices +5, +2.5
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### Test `partition`
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``` python
# Pass the correct size argument (number of examples in the whole dataset)
test_indices, val_indices = partition(size=..., t = 0.3, v = 0.1)
# Output the size of length of test and validation indices.
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## TASK 3: Putting things together
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The model definition is given below. We'll extend this class for different supervised classification algorithms. Specifically, we'll implement **fit** and **predict** methods for these algorithms. For this assignment, you are not asked to implement these methods. Run the cells below and make sure each piece of code fits together and works as expected.
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``` python
class Model:
def fit(self, training_features, training_labels):
print('There are {} data points in training partition with {} features.'.format(
training_features.shape[0], training_features.shape[1]))
def predict(self, test_points):
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### Rubric:
* Correct training size +5, +5
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### Test `Model`
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Initialize the model and call fit method with the training features and labels.
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``` python
# initialize model
my_model = Model()
# obtain features and labels from files
# partition the data set
# pass the training features and labels to the fit method
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## TASK 4: Normalization
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Implement `normalization` function such that the output features take values in the range [0, 1]. Check that the values of the features are in [0, 1].
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### Rubric:
* Correct range for feature values +5, +10
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### Test Normalization
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``` python
def normalization(raw_features):
raw_features: ndarray
nxd array containing unnormalized features
features: ndarray
nxd array containing normalized features
raise NotImplementedError
return features
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
features = normalization(features)
# Check that the range of each feature in the training set is in range [0, 1]
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