@@ -56,4 +56,10 @@ In addition, Snow has worked with the Auger atmospheric monitoring group, constr
Kravchenko has continued his exploration of ultra-high energy neutrionos in a series of smaller experiments. He has continued to support the RICE/NARC experiment at the South Pole. The final paper on the RICE/NARC data has been submitted~\cite{bib:RICE}. The experiment's equipment is now being used for calibration studies of its successor experiment, the Askaryan Radio Array (ARA). With student Sergey Avdeev, Kravchenko has developed the vertex reconstruction software for ARA, calibrated testbed antennas, and started developing the analysis job processing framework. He has also worked on the CRADAR experiment in Utah, which seeks to detect cosmic rays with a radar technique~\cite{bib:CRADAR}.
{\bf Education and Outreach} A broad array of outreach efforts have continued over the past few years. CROP employs several undergraduate and high-school students each year, and Claes continues to conduct site visits and meet with instructors and administrators of participating schools. An evaluation of the program has found positive changes in student interest and attidue about science, and CROP participation has led to a significant fraction of college-bound students to major in science.
Dominguez's Bilingual English Speaking Tutors (BEST) program, which pairs English language learner (ELL) elementary school students with bilingual high-school and college student tutors, has had dramatic impacts. Students who participate in the program advance by an average of 4.1 reading levels in a school year, while those who don't only advance by 2.1 reading levels. The program now operates in six Lincoln public elementary schools.
Bloom has continued to visit schools in rural Nebraska to talk about the excitement of particle physics and encouarge students to consider attending UNL. He has also been an active participant in the US LHC blog, which is hosted by Quantum Diaries~\cite{bib:QDblog}. His live coverage from the ICHEP conference of the Higgs observation announcement received world-wide attention~\cite{bib:AAPdiss}.
All faculty members continue to give presentations to a variety of public groups in Lincoln and elsewhere in Nebraska about the exciting science of particle physics.