Use American dialect, brief room descriptions, and the serial comma.
Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “converse with [someone]” as talking to.
Check talking to: say "[The noun] doesn't reply."
MM is a man. The description is "Using your $5 as a blanket, he's napping in the fold of your wallet. Equipped with an authentic Hawaiian shirt and khaki pants, he does everything full sized Michael does." The printed name of MM is "Mini-Michael Cera". Understand "Michael", "yelp", "strange sound", "Cera", "Mini-Michael" and "Mini-Michael Cera" as MM.
Wallet is a container. The description is "A redish brown leather bill fold." Player is carrying Wallet.
MM is in Wallet.
Real ID is in Wallet. The description is "Remember to give this one to a cop."
Hell is a room. "Fire and brimstone."
Channel 324 is a room. "A dimly lit cavern. As you look around you notice there are bones surrounding you. A large ogre-ish beast springs forth from the darkness. This is going to be rough for you."
Channel 679 is a room. "You are in a cozy kitchen. A pot sits on the stove. A knife and cutting board are on the counter. Shelves stocked with jars of spices line the walls. Nearby, there is a pitcher of water and a potato."
Channel 146 is a room. "You walk through a front door as the sounds of disembodied clapping and 'woos' fill the air. You enter what seems to be a rather generic living room. Sofa in the center of the room, a recliner slightly off to the side, and shelves of family photos that you are in line the walls. On the couch you see a little girl that seems oddly familiar to you sit sadly."
Barphomet is a man in Hell.
Instead of talking to Barphomet:
say "ewwww poopy human go to TV.";
now the player is in channel 679;
now the player carries the recipe book.
The Warehouse is a room.
[Combat System]
A person has a number called defense-value. The defense-value of a person is usually 5.
The player has a number called health. The health of the player is 100.
The player carries a weapon. The weapon has a number called damage-value. The damage-value of the weapon is usually 10.
A person has a number called health. The health of a person is usually 100.
Attacking someone with is an action applying to one visible thing and one carried thing.
Understand "attack [someone] with [something]" as attacking someone with.
Checking health is an action applying to nothing.
Understand "check health" or "health" as checking health.
Carry out checking health:
say "You have [health of the player] health remaining.";
Carry out attacking someone with:
if the noun is not a person:
say "You can't attack that!";
let target be the noun;
let attack-roll be a random number from 1 to 10;
say "You roll [attack-roll] to hit [target].";
if attack-roll > the defense-value of the target:
say "Hit! You deal [damage-value of the second noun] damage.";
decrease the health of the target by the damage-value of the second noun;
if the health of the target is 0 or the health of the target is less than 0:
say "[The target] has been defeated!";
remove the target from play;
say "[The target] dodges your attack!";
[Cooking Show Code]
The pot is a container in Channel 679. The pot can be empty or full. The pot is empty. The pot can be carried.
The knife is a thing in Channel 679. The description of the knife is "A sharp kitchen knife, perfect for dicing potatoes."
The cutting board is a supporter in Channel 679. The description of the cutting board is "A wooden cutting board, clean and ready for use."
The potato is a thing in Channel 679. The potato can be whole or diced. The potato is whole. The description of the potato is "A plump potato, ready to be diced."
The pitcher of water is a container in Channel 679. The description of the pitcher of water is "A clear pitcher filled with fresh water."
The cabinet is a closed openable container in Channel 679. The cabinet is unlocked.
Stove is a thing in Channel 679. The stove can be switched on. The description of the stove is "ooo hot."
The jar of salt is a thing. It is in the cabinet.
The jar of pepper is a thing. It is in the cabinet.
The recipe book is a thing in The Warehouse. The description of the recipe book is "The recipe reads: 'To make potato soup: (1) Dice the potato. (2) Add the potato and water to the pot. (3) Season with salt and pepper. (4) Stir. (5) Heat the soup.'"
The soup is a thing in the warehouse.
To decide whether all ingredients are in the pot:
if the diced potato is part of the pot and the pitcher of water is part of the pot and the jar of salt is part of the pot and the jar of pepper is part of the pot:
decide yes;
decide no.
Instead of examining the pot:
if the soup is part of the pot:
say "The pot contains a bubbling pot of potato soup.";
otherwise if the pot is full:
say "The pot is filled with ingredients, make sure to have them all before cooking.";
say "The pot is empty and waiting for ingredients."
Instead of cutting the potato:
if the potato is diced:
say "The potato is already diced.";
now the potato is diced;
say "You dice the potato into small chunks."
Instead of inserting the diced potato into the pot:
if the potato is whole:
say "You need to dice the potato first.";
move the potato to the pot;
now the pot is full;
say "You add the diced potato to the pot."
Instead of inserting the pitcher of water into the pot:
if the pitcher of water is part of the pot:
say "You already poured the water into the pot.";
move the pitcher of water to the pot;
now the pot is full;
say "You pour the water into the pot."
Instead of inserting the jar of salt into the pot:
if the jar of salt is part of the pot:
say "You have already added salt.";
move the jar of salt to the pot;
say "You sprinkle a pinch of salt into the pot."
Instead of inserting the jar of pepper into the pot:
if the jar of pepper is part of the pot:
say "You have already added pepper.";
move the jar of pepper to the pot;
say "You grind some black pepper into the pot."
Stirring is an action applying to one thing. Understand "stir [something]" as stirring.
Turning on is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "turn on [something]" as turning on.
Check stirring:
if the noun is not the pot:
say "You can't stir that!" instead.
Carry out stirring:
say "You stir the ingredients together, mixing them well.";
Report stirring:
say "The pot looks well mixed now."
Instead of switching on the stove:
if all ingredients are in the pot:
move the soup to the pot;
say "You have made a potato in soup. Good job Rachel Ray, but this show is getting boring. Lets try something more... exciting";
now the player is in Channel 324;
say "You need to add and stir all the ingredients before heating the soup."
[Ogre Fight Code]
The ogre is a person in Channel 324. The defense-value of the ogre is 7. The health of the ogre is 80.
After attacking someone with:
if the ogre is in Channel 324:
say "You beat the bitch.";
now the player is in Channel 146.
To ogre-counterattacks:
let ogre-attack-roll be a random number from 1 to 10;
if ogre-attack-roll > the defense-value of the player:
let ogre-damage be a random number from 8 to 15;
say "The ogre charges at you and deals [ogre-damage] damage!";
decrease the health of the player by ogre-damage;
if the health of the player is 0 or the health of the player is less than 0:
end the story saying "You have been defeated by the ogre!";
say "The ogre swings, but you dodge just in time!";
When play begins:
say "You face a goblin and an ogre. Prepare to attack!"