MM is a man. MM is in Street. MM is undescribed. The description is "Using your $5 as a blanket, he's napping in the fold of your wallet. Equipped with an authentic Hawaiian shirt and khaki pants, he does everything full sized Michael does." The printed name of MM is "Mini-Michael Cera". Understand "Michael", "yelp", "strange sound", "Cera", "Mini-Michael" and "Mini-Michael Cera" as MM.
Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “converse with [someone]” as talking to.
Street is a room. The description is "You find yourself on the street in front of your house. It looks fairly normal, however upon further inspection you notice that all the houses in the neighborhood are backwards - almost like they're mirrored. Even the stop sign is backwards."
Neighborhood is scenery in Street. The description is "You don't remember the houses looking backwards like that." Understand "houses" and "house" as Neighborhood.
Stop Sign is scenery in Street. The description is "potS". Understand "sign" as Stop Sign.
Instead of asking MM about "street":
say "'Do you hear that?' Mini-Michael Cera questions."
Instead of listening:
say "You listen to the sounds echoing through the air. A series of glass footsteps.[paragraph break]All of a sudden, a strange man appears.";
now King of the Streets is in Street.
King of the Streets is a man. The description is "A man with two left arms. Huh. Seems strange. You feel uneasy looking at him, as does Mini-Michael Cera." Understand "King" and "Man" as King of the Streets.
Instead of talking to King of the Streets:
say "'I AM KING OF THE STREETS' The being's voice booms towards you. Mini-Michael Cera lets out a yelp and hides in your pocket.[paragraph break]'Who are you?' You ask.[paragraph break]'Did you-' He looks around confused. 'Did you not hear what I just said? I AM KING OF THE STREETS!' He shouts again.[paragraph break]'Well, yes I did. But, who are you really?' You ask, fairly dumb-founded by the way he speaks.[paragraph break]'Enough of this! We are going to fight! I am here to conquer the right-handed world and make everything LEFT-HANDED!'[paragraph break]He positions himself in a fighting stance when suddenly, Cousin Jed appears.";
now Cousin Jed is in Street.
Cousin Jed is a man. The description is "Your weird cousin with epic powers." Understand "Jed" as Cousin Jed.
Instead of attacking King of the Streets:
say "You look at Cousin Jed then back at the King who still stares at you with anger. Suddenly, he charges at you. Mini-Michael Cera lets out a loud screech which startles the King despite still charging.[paragraph break]Cousin Jed quickly steps in and snaps his fingers. The King disappears into a monstrous black hole.";
now King of the Streets is nowhere.
Instead of talking to Cousin Jed:
say "You look at Jed after the black hole disperses. You can still hear the scream of the King ringing in your head.[paragraph break]'Thanks, Jed. I appreciate the help-' In the middle of your thanks, Jed snaps his fingers again, but this time towards you.[paragraph break]Without getting another word in, you feel your soul leave your body..."