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# Installing

1. Copy `config.sample.php` to `` and edit to reflect your enviroment
2. Run `composer install` in the root directory of the project
3. Run `make` in the root directory of the project
4. Copy `www/sample.htaccess` to `www/.htaccess` and edit to reflect your enviroment
5. Run `php script/rebuildDatabase.php` to set up the database

Michael Fairchild's avatar
Michael Fairchild committed
# Creating map tiles:

## Using

### For Mac OS X 10.6:
From /path/to/workspace/unl_tourmap/map_source or get and run:

1. (nothing to do after installation)

Steps in maptiler program:

1. Google Maps Compatible
2. "Add" the full map image from /path/to/workspace/unl_tourmap/map_source 
    Set "Georeference" to 40.8420 40.8112 -96.6443 -96.7198 for the UNL 3D map (current coords as of 8/18/10 for map_source/city_east_top_8-2010.png)
3. WGS84 - Latitude and Longitude
4. Min zoom: 14 max zoom: 18 and 
    - transparent png (then after creating them see Crushing pngs below)
    - JPEG (then after creating them see Editing JPGs below)
5. Save in /path/to/workspace/unl_tourmap/www/images/tilesets/unl - dont need a destination url
6. Dont need viewers
7. Dont worry about details
8. Press "Render"

## Crushing pngs
Each tile created by MapTiler is roughly 135kb - to minimize file size:

1. From map_source or install pngnq (instuctions in the README)
2. Run:
    cd /path/to/workspace/unl_tourmap/www/images/tilesets/unl
    find . -name *.png -type f -exec echo "Processing '{}'" \; -exec pngnq -n 256 {} \;
3. The pngnq -f option which is supposed to overwrite the existing file doesn't work so we'll rename all the files ourself, removing the "-nq8":
    find . -name "*-nq8.png" -exec bash -c "mv \$1 \`echo \$1 | sed s/-nq8.png/.png/\`" -- {} \;

## Editing JPGs
This will remove edge tiles that have large blocks of white

1. Run:
    cd /path/to/workspace/unl_tourmap/www/images/tilesets/unl
2. Run:
    find . -name *.jpg -type f -exec php ../../../../map_source/process_jpgs.php {} \;
## Compressing JPGs
(Quality can be adjusted by opening the script file specified below and changing the number by the comment "set quality to suit")

1. In Photoshop CS5: File->Scripts->Browse...
2. Select /path/to/workspace/unl_tourmap/map_source/photoshop_jpg_compress_script.jsx
3. Select /path/to/workspace/unl_tourmap/www/images/tilesets/unl

# Updating Map Features:

## Updating Lat/Long for Buildings
1. Sourced from UNL_Geography_SpatialData_Campus project

## Updating Buildings List/Codes
1. Replace the /data/all_buildings.csv file obtained from FMP (Currently adjustments are made by UCOMM in additional_buildings.csv to compensate for things like SELQ, MEMS)
2. Make sure all values (commas,quotes) are properly escaped in it
3. Run /data/csv_to_array.php to replace and

## Updating Other Features
1. Features such as Emergency Phones, Police Stations, etc are in /data as georss xml files