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  • addPuphpet
  • develop
  • master default protected
  • remove-mulder-dependency
  • shib-cas
  • updatedCourseFileImportFormat
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.012Oct22Sep1730Aug20171529Jun2010Jan21Sep2024Aug12Jan24Nov18Sep17161511828Aug201424Jul17Oct16Sep430Aug262119147122Jul15Modify admin users per mysupport issue #300244 from David Bagby.mastermasterMerge branch 'shib-cas' into 'master'Update CAS url to new Shib CAS url.shib-casshib-casLook for cn instead of uid in AD.Merge branch 'develop' into 'master'Merge branch 'modify-canvas-download' into 'develop'developdevelopadd new attendance filter by course and dateMerge branch 'event-exists' into 'develop'Merge branch 'add-musr69-course' into 'develop'add additional MUSR 69 course for convohandle duplicate event name issues, modify admins, disable single sign out to match productionMerge branch 'ldap-to-ad' into 'master'Reflect config changes in example config.Use cn instead of uid in user searches.client requested canvas tardy score should be 50 instead of 80 this semesteradd nuid data to canvas export, canvas handles if leading zero is lostadd additional export for upload into Canvas gradebookFix merge from check-course-on-import.Check for existence of course before importing enrollment or staff assignment.add an admin user, david's request.Merge branch 'updatedCourseFileImportFormat' into 'master'changed to handle new course ID format and be backwards compatible with old formatupdatedCourseFi…updatedCourseFileImportFormatMerge branch 'remove-mulder-dependency' into 'master'remove-mulder-d…remove-mulder-dependencyRemove test data files so they aren't on productionMerge branch 'remove-mulder-dependency' into 'master'Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/remove-mulder-dependency' into remove-mulder-dependencyparameterized another queryRemove error-supression (@) on ldap function calls.git ignore wdn directory.handle php timeout on cron job methodfixed queries to be parameterized, adjusted array length check, fixed indentationchanged to import all coursesfix import_person_from_ldap() and import_student_data()Fix ldap field, and remove function not needed cause included alreadyFix code indentationAdd admin usersneed new config for folder with files to be importedcompleted the removal of mulder dependenciesAdd puphpet for mulder.localaddPuphpetaddPuphpetAdded db schema and some basic syntax fixes.