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Snippets Groups Projects
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# Dolibarr language file - Source file is en_US - projects
ProjectRef=Project ref.
ProjectLabel=Project label
ProjectsArea=Projects Area
ProjectStatus=Project status
PrivateProject=Project contacts
ProjectsImContactFor=Projects I'm explicitely a contact of 
AllAllowedProjects=All project I can read (mine + public)
AllProjects=All projects
MyProjectsDesc=This view is limited to projects you are a contact for (whatever is the type).
ProjectsPublicDesc=This view presents all projects you are allowed to read.
TasksOnProjectsPublicDesc=This view presents all tasks on projects you are allowed to read.
ProjectsPublicTaskDesc=This view presents all projects and tasks you are allowed to read.
ProjectsDesc=This view presents all projects (your user permissions grant you permission to view everything).
TasksOnProjectsDesc=This view presents all tasks on all projects (your user permissions grant you permission to view everything).
MyTasksDesc=This view is limited to projects or tasks you are a contact for (whatever is the type).
OnlyOpenedProject=Only open projects are visible (projects in draft or closed status are not visible).
ClosedProjectsAreHidden=Closed projects are not visible.
TasksPublicDesc=This view presents all projects and tasks you are allowed to read.
TasksDesc=This view presents all projects and tasks (your user permissions grant you permission to view everything).
AllTaskVisibleButEditIfYouAreAssigned=All tasks for such project are visible, but you can enter time only for task assigned to you. Assign task to yourself if you need to enter time on it.
OnlyYourTaskAreVisible=Only tasks assigned to you are visible. Assign task to yourself if it is not visible and you need to enter time on it.
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Laurent Destailleur committed
ImportDatasetTasks=Tasks of projects
ProjectCategories=Project tags/categories
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Laurent Destailleur committed
AddProject=Create project
DeleteAProject=Delete a project
DeleteATask=Delete a task
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Laurent Destailleur committed
ConfirmDeleteAProject=Are you sure you want to delete this project?
ConfirmDeleteATask=Are you sure you want to delete this task?
OpenedProjects=Open projects
OpenedTasks=Open tasks
OpportunitiesStatusForOpenedProjects=Opportunities amount of open projects by status
OpportunitiesStatusForProjects=Opportunities amount of projects by status
NoProject=No project defined or owned
NbOfProjects=Nb of projects
TimeSpent=Time spent
TimeSpentByYou=Time spent by you
TimeSpentByUser=Time spent by user
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Laurent Destailleur committed
TimesSpent=Time spent
RefTask=Ref. task
LabelTask=Label task
TaskTimeSpent=Time spent on tasks
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Laurent Destailleur committed
TasksOnOpenedProject=Tasks on open projects
WorkloadNotDefined=Workload not defined
MyTimeSpent=My time spent
TaskDateStart=Task start date
TaskDateEnd=Task end date
TaskDescription=Task description
NewTask=New task
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Laurent Destailleur committed
AddTask=Create task
AddTimeSpent=Create time spent
MyActivities=My tasks/activities
MyProjects=My projects
MyProjectsArea=My projects Area
Regis Houssin's avatar
Regis Houssin committed
DurationEffective=Effective duration
ProgressDeclared=Declared progress
ProgressCalculated=Calculated progress
ListOfTasks=List of tasks
GoToListOfTimeConsumed=Go to list of time consumed
GoToListOfTasks=Go to list of tasks
ListProposalsAssociatedProject=List of the commercial proposals associated with the project
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Laurent Destailleur committed
ListOrdersAssociatedProject=List of customer orders associated with the project
ListInvoicesAssociatedProject=List of customer invoices associated with the project
ListPredefinedInvoicesAssociatedProject=List of customer template invoices associated with project
ListSupplierOrdersAssociatedProject=List of supplier orders associated with the project
ListSupplierInvoicesAssociatedProject=List of supplier invoices associated with the project
ListContractAssociatedProject=List of contracts associated with the project
ListShippingAssociatedProject=List of shippings associated with the project
ListFichinterAssociatedProject=List of interventions associated with the project
ListExpenseReportsAssociatedProject=List of expense reports associated with the project
aspangaro's avatar
aspangaro committed
ListDonationsAssociatedProject=List of donations associated with the project
ListActionsAssociatedProject=List of events associated with the project
ListTaskTimeUserProject=List of time consumed on tasks of project
ActivityOnProjectToday=Activity on project today
ActivityOnProjectYesterday=Activity on project yesterday
ActivityOnProjectThisWeek=Activity on project this week
ActivityOnProjectThisMonth=Activity on project this month
ActivityOnProjectThisYear=Activity on project this year
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Regis Houssin committed
ChildOfTask=Child of project/task
NotOwnerOfProject=Not owner of this private project
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Laurent Destailleur committed
AffectedTo=Allocated to
CantRemoveProject=This project can't be removed as it is referenced by some other objects (invoice, orders or other). See referers tab.
ValidateProject=Validate projet
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Laurent Destailleur committed
ConfirmValidateProject=Are you sure you want to validate this project?
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Laurent Destailleur committed
ConfirmCloseAProject=Are you sure you want to close this project?
AlsoCloseAProject=Also close project (keep it open if you still need to follow production tasks on it)
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Laurent Destailleur committed
ConfirmReOpenAProject=Are you sure you want to re-open this project?
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Laurent Destailleur committed
ProjectContact=Project contacts
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Laurent Destailleur committed
ActionsOnProject=Events on project
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Laurent Destailleur committed
YouAreNotContactOfProject=You are not a contact of this private project
UserIsNotContactOfProject=User is not a contact of this private project
DeleteATimeSpent=Delete time spent
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Laurent Destailleur committed
ConfirmDeleteATimeSpent=Are you sure you want to delete this time spent?
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
DoNotShowMyTasksOnly=See also tasks not assigned to me
ShowMyTasksOnly=View only tasks assigned to me
Faust's avatar
Faust committed
ProjectsDedicatedToThisThirdParty=Projects dedicated to this third party
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
NoTasks=No tasks for this project
LinkedToAnotherCompany=Linked to other third party
TaskIsNotAssignedToUser=Task not assigned to user. Use button '<strong>%s</strong>' to assign task now. 
Regis Houssin's avatar
Regis Houssin committed
ErrorTimeSpentIsEmpty=Time spent is empty
ThisWillAlsoRemoveTasks=This action will also delete all tasks of project (<b>%s</b> tasks at the moment) and all inputs of time spent.
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Laurent Destailleur committed
IfNeedToUseOhterObjectKeepEmpty=If some objects (invoice, order, ...), belonging to another third party, must be linked to the project to create, keep this empty to have the project being multi third parties.
CloneProject=Clone project
CloneTasks=Clone tasks
CloneContacts=Clone contacts
CloneNotes=Clone notes
CloneProjectFiles=Clone project joined files
CloneTaskFiles=Clone task(s) joined files (if task(s) cloned)
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Laurent Destailleur committed
CloneMoveDate=Update project/tasks dates from now?
ConfirmCloneProject=Are you sure to clone this project?
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Laurent Destailleur committed
ProjectReportDate=Change task dates according to new project start date
ErrorShiftTaskDate=Impossible to shift task date according to new project start date
ProjectsAndTasksLines=Projects and tasks
ProjectCreatedInDolibarr=Project %s created
ProjectModifiedInDolibarr=Project %s modified
TaskCreatedInDolibarr=Task %s created
TaskModifiedInDolibarr=Task %s modified
TaskDeletedInDolibarr=Task %s deleted
OpportunityStatus=Opportunity status
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Laurent Destailleur committed
OpportunityStatusShort=Opp. status
OpportunityProbability=Opportunity probability
OpportunityProbabilityShort=Opp. probab.
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
OpportunityAmount=Opportunity amount
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
OpportunityAmountShort=Opp. amount
OpportunityAmountAverageShort=Average Opp. amount
OpportunityAmountWeigthedShort=Weighted Opp. amount
WonLostExcluded=Won/Lost excluded
##### Types de contacts #####
TypeContact_project_internal_PROJECTLEADER=Project leader
TypeContact_project_external_PROJECTLEADER=Project leader
TypeContact_project_task_internal_TASKEXECUTIVE=Task executive
TypeContact_project_task_external_TASKEXECUTIVE=Task executive
SelectElement=Select element
AddElement=Link to element
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
# Documents models
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Laurent Destailleur committed
DocumentModelBeluga=Project template for linked objects overview
DocumentModelBaleine=Project report template for tasks
PlannedWorkload=Planned workload
ProjectReferers=Related items
ProjectMustBeValidatedFirst=Project must be validated first
FirstAddRessourceToAllocateTime=Assign a user resource to task to allocate time
InputPerDay=Input per day
InputPerWeek=Input per week
InputPerAction=Input per action
TimeAlreadyRecorded=This is time spent already recorded for this task/day and user %s
ProjectsWithThisUserAsContact=Projects with this user as contact
TasksWithThisUserAsContact=Tasks assigned to this user
ResourceNotAssignedToProject=Not assigned to project
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Laurent Destailleur committed
ResourceNotAssignedToTheTask=Not assigned to the task
TasksAssignedTo=Tasks assigned to
AssignTaskToUser=Assign task to %s
SelectTaskToAssign=Select task to assign...
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Laurent Destailleur committed
ManageTasks=Use projects to follow tasks and time
ManageOpportunitiesStatus=Use projects to follow leads/opportinuties
ProjectNbProjectByMonth=Nb of created projects by month
ProjectOppAmountOfProjectsByMonth=Amount of opportunities by month
ProjectWeightedOppAmountOfProjectsByMonth=Weighted amount of opportunities by month
novalore's avatar
novalore committed
ProjectOpenedProjectByOppStatus=Open project/lead by opportunity status
ProjectsStatistics=Statistics on projects/leads
TaskAssignedToEnterTime=Task assigned. Entering time on this task should be possible.
YouCanCompleteRef=If you want to complete the ref with some information (to use it as search filters), it is recommanded to add a - character to separate it, so the automatic numbering will still work correctly for next projects. For example %s-ABC. You may also prefer to add search keys into label. But best practice may be to add a dedicated field, also called complementary attributes.
OpenedProjectsByThirdparties=Open projects by third parties
OnlyOpportunitiesShort=Only opportunities
OpenedOpportunitiesShort=Open opportunities
NotAnOpportunityShort=Not an opportunity
OpportunityTotalAmount=Opportunities total amount
OpportunityPonderatedAmount=Opportunities weighted amount
OpportunityPonderatedAmountDesc=Opportunities amount weighted with probability