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Carrie A Brown's avatar
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title = "Using Anaconda Package Manager"
description = "How to use the Anaconda Package Manager on HCC resources."

from [Anaconda, Inc](
is a completely free enterprise-ready distribution for large-scale data
processing, predictive analytics, and scientific computing. It includes
over 195 of the most popular Python packages for science, math,
engineering, and data analysis. **It also offers the ability to easily
create custom _environments_ by mixing and matching different versions
of Python and/or R and other packages into isolated environments that
individual users are free to create.**  Anaconda includes the `conda`
package and environment manager to make managing these environments

- [Using Anaconda](#using-anaconda)
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- [Searching for Packages](#searching-for-packages)
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- [Creating custom Anaconda Environments](#creating-custom-anaconda-environments)
- [Using /common for environments](#using-common-for-environments)
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- [Adding and Removing Packages from an Existing Environment](#adding-and-removing-packages-from-an-existing-environment)
- [Creating custom GPU Anaconda Environment](#creating-custom-gpu-anaconda-environment)
- [Using an Anaconda Environment in a Jupyter Notebook](#using-an-anaconda-environment-in-a-jupyter-notebook)
Carrie A Brown's avatar
Carrie A Brown committed

### Using Anaconda

While the standard methods of installing packages via `pip`
and `easy_install` work with Anaconda, the preferred method is using
the `conda` command.  

{{% notice info %}}
Full documentation on using Conda is available

A [cheatsheet](/attachments/11635089.pdf) is also provided.
{{% /notice %}}

A few examples of the basic commands are provided here.  For a full
explanation of all of Anaconda/Conda's capabilities, see the
documentation linked above. 

Anaconda is provided through the `anaconda` module on HCC machines.  To
begin using it, load the Anaconda module.

{{% panel theme="info" header="Load the Anaconda module to start using Conda" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
module load anaconda
{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

To display general information about Conda/Anaconda, use the `info` subcommand.

{{% panel theme="info" header="Display general information about Conda/Anaconda" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
conda info
{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

Conda allows the easy creation of isolated, custom environments with
packages and versions of your choosing.  To show all currently available
environments, and which is active, use the `info `subcommand with the
`-e` option.

{{% panel theme="info" header="List available environments" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
conda info -e
{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

The active environment will be marked with an asterisk (\*) character.

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Carrie A Brown committed
The `list` command will show all packages installed
in the currently active environment.

{{% panel theme="info" header="List installed packages in current environment" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
conda list
{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

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Natasha Pavlovikj committed
### Searching for Packages
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Natasha Pavlovikj committed
To find packages, use the `search` subcommand.
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{{% panel theme="info" header="Search for packages" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
conda search numpy
{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

If the package is available, this will also display available package
versions and compatible Python versions the package may be installed

### Creating Custom Anaconda Environments

Carrie A Brown's avatar
Carrie A Brown committed
The `create` command is used to create a new environment.  It requires
at a minimum a name for the environment, and at least one package to
install.  For example, suppose we wish to create a new environment, and
Natasha Pavlovikj's avatar
Natasha Pavlovikj committed
need version 1.17 of NumPy.
Carrie A Brown's avatar
Carrie A Brown committed

{{% panel theme="info" header="Create a new environment by providing a name and package specification" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
Natasha Pavlovikj's avatar
Natasha Pavlovikj committed
conda create -n mynumpy numpy=1.17
Carrie A Brown's avatar
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{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

This will create a new environment called 'mynumpy' and installed NumPy
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version 1.17, along with any required dependencies.  
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To use the environment, we must first *activate* it.

{{% panel theme="info" header="Activate environment" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
Natasha Pavlovikj's avatar
Natasha Pavlovikj committed
conda activate mynumpy
Carrie A Brown's avatar
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{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

Natasha Pavlovikj's avatar
Natasha Pavlovikj committed
Our new environment is now active, and we can use it.  The shell prompt will change to indicate this as well.
Adam Caprez's avatar
Adam Caprez committed
### Using /common for environments

By default, conda environments are installed in the user's `home` directory at `~/.conda/envs`.
This is fine for smaller environments, but larger environments (especially ML/AI-based ones) can quickly
exhaust the space in the `home` directory.

For larger environments, we recommend using the `$COMMON` folder instead. To do so, use the `-p` option
instead of `-n` for `conda create`.  For example, creating the same environment as above but
placing it in the folder `$COMMON/mynumpy` instead.

{{% panel theme="info" header="Create environment in /common" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
conda create -p $COMMON/mynumpy numpy=1.17
{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

To activate the environment, you must use the full path.

{{% panel theme="info" header="Activate environment in /common" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
conda activate $COMMON/mynumpy
{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

**Please note** that you'll need to add the `#SBATCH --licenses=common` directive to your submit scripts
 as described [here]({{< relref "using_the_common_file_system" >}}) in order to use environments
in `$COMMON`.

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Natasha Pavlovikj committed
### Adding and Removing Packages from an Existing Environment
Carrie A Brown's avatar
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To install additional packages in an environment, use the `install`
subcommand.  Suppose we want to install iPython in our 'mynumpy'
environment.  While the environment is active, use `install `with no
additional arguments.  

{{% panel theme="info" header="Install a new package in the currently active environment" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
conda install ipython
{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

If you aren't currently in the environment you wish to install the
package in, add the `-n `option to specify the name.

{{% panel theme="info" header="Install new packages in a specified environment" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
conda install -n mynumpy ipython
{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

The `remove` subcommand to uninstall a package functions similarly.

{{% panel theme="info" header="Remove package from currently active environment" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
conda remove ipython
{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

{{% panel theme="info" header="Remove package from environment specified by name" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
conda remove -n mynumpy ipython
{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

To exit an environment, we *deactivate* it.

{{% panel theme="info" header="Exit current environment" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
Natasha Pavlovikj's avatar
Natasha Pavlovikj committed
conda deactivate
Carrie A Brown's avatar
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{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

Finally, to completely remove an environment, add the `--all `option
to `remove`.

{{% panel theme="info" header="Completely remove an environment" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
conda remove -n mynumpy --all
{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

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Natasha Pavlovikj committed
### Creating Custom GPU Anaconda Environment

We provide GPU versions of various frameworks such as `tensorflow`, `keras`, `theano`, via [modules](../../modules). 
However, sometimes you may need additional libraries or packages that are not available as part of these modules. 
In this case, you will need to create your own GPU Anaconda environment.

To do this, you need to first clone one of our GPU modules to a new Anaconda environment, and then install the desired packages in this new environment.

The reason for this is that the GPU modules we support are built using the specific CUDA drivers our GPU nodes have. 
If you just create custom GPU environment without cloning the module, your code will not utilize the GPUs correctly.

For example, if you want to use `tensorflow` with additional packages, first do:
{{% panel theme="info" header="Cloning GPU module to a new Anaconda environment" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
module load tensorflow-gpu/py36/1.14
module load anaconda
conda create -n tensorflow-gpu-1.14-custom --clone $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV
module purge
{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

This will create a new `tensorflow-gpu-1.14-custom` environment in your home directory that is a copy of the `tensorflow-gpu` module. 
Then, you can install the additional packages you need in this environment.
{{% panel theme="info" header="Install new packages in the currently active environment" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}
module load anaconda
conda activate tensorflow-gpu-1.14-custom
conda install <packages>
{{< /highlight >}}
{{% /panel %}}

Next, whenever you want to use this custom GPU Anaconda environment, you need to add these two lines in your submit script:
{{< highlight bash >}}
module load anaconda
conda activate tensorflow-gpu-1.14-custom
{{< /highlight >}}

{{% notice info %}}
If you have custom GPU Anaconda environment please only use the two lines from above and **DO NOT** load the module you have cloned earlier. 
Using `module load tensorflow-gpu/py36/1.14` and `conda activate tensorflow-gpu-1.14-custom` in the same script is **wrong** and may give you various errors and incorrect results.
{{% /notice %}}

### Using an Anaconda Environment in a Jupyter Notebook
Carrie A Brown's avatar
Carrie A Brown committed

It is not difficult to make an Anaconda environment available to a
Jupyter Notebook. To do so, follow the steps below, replacing
`myenv` with the name of the Python or R environment you wish to use:

1.  Stop any running Jupyter Notebooks and ensure you are logged out of
    the JupyterHub instance on the cluster you are using.
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Carrie A Brown committed
    1.  If you are not logged out, please click the Control Panel button
        located in the top right corner.
    2.  Click the "Stop My Server" Button to terminate the Jupyter
    3.  Click the logout button in the top right corner.  
2.  Using the command-line environment of the **login node**, load the target conda
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    {{< highlight bash >}}conda activate myenv{{< /highlight >}}
Carrie A Brown's avatar
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3.  Install the Jupyter kernel and add the environment:

    1.  For a **Python** conda environment, install the IPykernel
        package, and then the kernel specification:

        {{< highlight bash >}}
        # Install ipykernel
        conda install ipykernel
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Carrie A Brown's avatar
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        # Install the kernel specification
        python -m ipykernel install --user --name "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV" --display-name "Python ($CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV)" --env PATH $PATH
Carrie A Brown's avatar
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        {{< /highlight >}}
Natasha Pavlovikj's avatar
Natasha Pavlovikj committed
         {{% notice note %}}
         If needed, other variables can be set via additional `--env` arguments, e.g., 
         `python -m ipykernel install --user --name "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV" --display-name "Python ($CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV)" --env PATH $PATH --env VAR value`, 
         where `VAR` and `value` are the name and the value of the variable respectively.
         {{% /notice %}}
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    2.  For an **R** conda environment, install the jupyter\_client and
        IRkernel packages, and then the kernel specification:

        {{< highlight bash >}}
        # Install PNG support for R, the R kernel for Jupyter, and the Jupyter client
        conda install r-png
        conda install r-irkernel jupyter_client

        # Install jupyter_client 5.2.3 from anaconda channel for bug workaround
        conda install -c anaconda jupyter_client

        # Install the kernel specification
        R -e "IRkernel::installspec(name = '$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV', displayname = 'R ($CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV)', user = TRUE)"
        {{< /highlight >}}

4.  Once you have the environment set up, deactivate it:
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    {{< highlight bash >}}conda deactivate{{< /highlight >}}
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5.  Login to JupyterHub
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    and create a new notebook using the environment by selecting the
    correct entry in the `New` dropdown menu in the top right
    {{< figure src="/images/24151931.png" height="400" class="img-border">}}