Sym-link elgg/mod/unl_theme=>unl_theme
Matthew Juhl
Import the full_dump.sql file*
mysql -u root unl_social < stable_dump.sql
Browse to the elgg directory in your web browser.
Create the local elgg/.htaccess file using the sample on the install page
Be sure to set the correct RewriteBase /~bbieber/UNL_Elgg/elgg/ for example.
Create the local elgg/engine/settings.php file.
Be sure to specify unl_social as the database name
Create a local directory for elgg data outside of the web root.
Change the permissions so Apache has write access to it.
sudo chown _www elgg_data
Install the UNL_Templates pear packages
pear channel-discover && pear install unl/UNL_Templates-beta
Set the correct site url within the database:
UPDATE elggsites_entity SET url='http://localhost/~bbieber/UNL_Elgg/elgg/' WHERE guid=1;
UPDATE elggdatalists SET value = '/Library/WebServer/Documents/workspace/UNL_Elgg/elgg/' WHERE name = 'path';
UPDATE elggdatalists SET value = '/Library/WebServer/Documents/workspace/elgg_data/' WHERE name = 'dataroot';
Matthew Juhl
Make sure the local site has an updated copy of the templatedependents
Matthew Juhl
Matthew Juhl
full_dump.sql is is full copy of the mysql database that must be modified upon import.
safe_dump.sql can be imported without the need for modification
when importing full_dump.sql, you must modify certain rows in the tables elggdatalists and elggsites_entity so
that they pertain to the local elgg site instance. (so if you see something like, change it!)
** Changes made to the Elgg engine for UNL's implementation (outside of the mod dir)
-Added /elgg/account/getemail.php
-Altered /elgg/engine/lib/users.php to bar registration of accounts starting with "unl_"