$cacheVersion = date('Ymd') . 'v';
$search_engine_id = '015236299699564929946:nk1siew10ie';
$config_file = __DIR__ . '/../config.sample.php';
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../')) {
$config_file = __DIR__ . '/../';
function renderTemplate($file, $params = array())
include $file;
function loadDefaultSections($page)
$page->titlegraphic = '<a class="dcf-txt-h5" href="/">Search</a>';
$page->contactinfo = renderTemplate('templates/local-footer.tpl.php');
$page->affiliation = '';
// While the site proper is skinned with a specific version, the templates used
// used in embed search need to be supported in legacy sites.
// ?embed=1 : 4.1
if ($isEmbed && $_GET['embed'] === '1') {
$pageTemplate = 'Fixed';
$page = Templates::factory($pageTemplate, Templates::VERSION_4_1);
$templatePath = 'templates/4.1/';
$page->addStyleSheet('css/search.css?v=' . $cacheVersion);
$localScriptUrl = './js/search.min.js?v=' . $cacheVersion;
if (UNL_Search::$mode === 'debug') {
$pageTemplate = 'Local';
$localScriptUrl = './js/search.js';
} else {
$page = Templates::factory($pageTemplate, Templates::VERSION_5_3);
$localScriptUrl = './js/search-tabs.min.js?v=' . $cacheVersion;
if (UNL_Search::$mode === 'debug') {
$pageTemplate = 'Local';
$localScriptUrl = './js/search-tabs.js';
$page->doctitle = '<title>Search | University of Nebraska–Lincoln</title>';
$page->head .= '<link rel="home" href="./" />';
$page->head .= '<link rel="preload" href="/wdn/templates_5.3/css/deprecated.css" as="style" onload="this.onload=null;this.rel=\'stylesheet\'"> <noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="/wdn/templates_5.3/css/deprecated.css"></noscript>';
// no menu items, so hide mobile menu
$page->addStyleDeclaration("#dcf-mobile-toggle-menu {display: none!important}");
// in search, so hide search
$page->addStyleDeclaration("#dcf-mobile-toggle-search, #dcf-search {display: none!important}");
$page->addStyleSheet('css/search-5.0.css?v=' . $cacheVersion);
//u is referring site
if (isset($_GET['u']) && $scanned = UNL_Search::getScannedPage($_GET['u'])) {
// Add local site search results
// we're scrapping the navigation and other content from the originatting site.
if (!$isEmbed) {
if (isset($scanned->titlegraphic)) {
//require_once '';
$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
$config->set('Cache.SerializerPath', '/tmp');
//Trick the purifier into accepting HTML5 elements/attributes
$config->set('HTML.DefinitionID', 'html5-definitions'); // unqiue id
$config->set('HTML.DefinitionRev', 1);
if ($def = $config->maybeGetRawHTMLDefinition()) {
//Allow everything to have a role
$def->addAttribute('*', 'role', 'Text');
$purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
$page->head .= '<link rel="home" href="'.htmlentities($_GET['u'], ENT_QUOTES).'" />';
$page->titlegraphic = $purifier->purify(str_replace(array('<h1>', '</h1>'), '', $scanned->titlegraphic));
if (isset($scanned->{$region}) && !empty($scanned->{$region})) {
$scannedContent = $scanned->{$region};
switch ($region) {
case 'contactinfo':
$scannedContent = preg_replace('#<h3>.*</h3>#', '', $scannedContent);
$page->{$region} = $purifier->purify($scannedContent);
} else {
if (isset($_GET['cx'])) {
// Use their custom search engine instead of the linked one.
$search_engine_id = $_GET['cx'];
// send the site value as the context to search on
$context = $_GET['u'];
$localResults = renderTemplate($templatePath . 'google-results.tpl.php', array(
'title' => $page->titlegraphic, // leave for backwards compatibility for 4.1
'id' => 'local_results',
} elseif (!$isEmbed) {
// Default search for no referring site.
$initialQuery = json_encode(isset($_GET['q']) ? $_GET['q'] : '');
$context = json_encode($context);
if (!$isEmbed) {
$maincontent .= renderTemplate('templates/search-form.tpl.php', array('local_results' => $localResults));
if ($isEmbed || !empty($_GET['q'])) {
$maincontent .= renderTemplate($templatePath . 'search-results.tpl.php', array(
'isEmbed' => $isEmbed,
'local_results' => $localResults,
'localTitle' => $page->titlegraphic
$endScript = renderTemplate($templatePath . 'end-scripts.tpl.php', array(
'localScriptUrl' => $localScriptUrl,
'googleLoaderUrl' => '' . $search_engine_id,
'initialQuery' => $initialQuery,
'localContext' => $context,
'cacheVersion' => $cacheVersion
if ($isEmbed) {
$maincontent .= $endScript;
} else {
$page->jsbody .= $endScript;
if (!$isEmbed) {
$page->maincontentarea = $maincontent;
echo $page;
$template = $templatePath . 'embed.tpl.php';
if (UNL_Search::$mode === 'debug') {
$template = $templatePath . 'embed-debug.tpl.php';
echo renderTemplate($template, array(
'head' => $page->head,
'maincontent' => $maincontent,
'cacheVersion' => $cacheVersion