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# Dolibarr language file - en_US - admin
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
VersionProgram=Version program
VersionLastInstall=Version initial install
VersionLastUpgrade=Version last upgrade
SessionId=Session ID
SessionSaveHandler=Handler to save sessions
SessionSavePath=Storage session localization
PurgeSessions=Purge of sessions
ConfirmPurgeSessions=Do you really want to purge all sessions ? This will disconnect every user (except yourself).
NoSessionListWithThisHandler=Save session handler configured in your PHP does not allow to list all running sessions.
LockNewSessions=Lock new connections
ConfirmLockNewSessions=Are you sure you want to restrict any new Dolibarr connection to yourself. Only user <b>%s</b> will be able to connect after that. 
UnlockNewSessions=Remove connection lock
YourSession=Your session
NoSessionFound=Your PHP seems to not allow to list active sessions. Directory used to save sessions (<b>%s</b>) might be protected (For example, by OS permissions or by PHP directive open_basedir).
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
HTMLCharset=Charset for generated HTML pages
DBStoringCharset=Database charset to store data
DBSortingCharset=Database charset to sort data
WarningModuleNotActive=Module <b>%s</b> must be enabled
WarningOnlyPermissionOfActivatedModules=Only permissions related to activated modules are shown here. You can activate other modules in the Home->Setup->Modules page.
DolibarrSetup=Dolibarr install or upgrade
DolibarrUser=Dolibarr user
InternalUser=Internal user
ExternalUser=External user
InternalUsers=Internal users
ExternalUsers=External users
Benoit Mortier's avatar
Benoit Mortier committed
GlobalSetup=Global setup
FormToTestFileUploadForm=Form to test file upload (according to setup)
IfModuleEnabled=Note: yes is effective only if module <b>%s</b> is enabled
RemoveLock=Remove file <b>%s</b> if it exists to allow usage of the update tool.
RestoreLock=Replace file <b>%s</b>, with read permission only, to disable any usage of update tool.
ErrorModuleRequirePHPVersion=Error, this module requires PHP version %s or higher
ErrorModuleRequireDolibarrVersion=Error, this module requires Dolibarr version %s or higher
ErrorDecimalLargerThanAreForbidden=Error, a precision higher than <b>%s</b> is not supported.
DictionnarySetup=Dictionary setup
DisableJavascript=Disable JavaScript and Ajax functions
ConfirmAjax=Use Ajax confirmation popups
UseSearchToSelectCompany=Use autocompletion fields to choose third parties (instead of using a list box).<br><br>Also if you have a large number of third parties (> 100 000), you can increase speed by setting constant SOCIETE_DONOTSEARCH_ANYWHERE to 1 in Setup->Other. Search will then be limited to start of string.
ActivityStateToSelectCompany= Add a filter option to show/hide thirdparties which are currently in activity or has ceased it
SearchFilter=Search filters options
NumberOfKeyToSearch=Nbr of characters to trigger search: %s
ViewFullDateActions=Show full dates actions in the third sheet
NotAvailableWhenAjaxDisabled=Not available when Ajax disabled
JavascriptDisabled=JavaScript disabled
UsePopupCalendar=Use popup for dates input
PreviewNotAvailable=Preview not available
ThemeCurrentlyActive=Theme currently active
CurrentTimeZone=TimeZone PHP (server)
NextValueForInvoices=Next value (invoices)
NextValueForCreditNotes=Next value (credit notes)
MustBeLowerThanPHPLimit=Note: your PHP limits each file upload's size to <b>%s</b> %s, whatever this parameter's value is
NoMaxSizeByPHPLimit=Note: No limit is set in your PHP configuration
MaxSizeForUploadedFiles=Maximum size for uploaded files (0 to disallow any upload)
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
UseCaptchaCode=Use graphical code (CAPTCHA) on login page
UseAvToScanUploadedFiles=Use anti-virus to scan uploaded files
AntiVirusCommand= Full path to antivirus command
AntiVirusCommandExample= Example for ClamWin: c:\Progra~1\ClamWin\bin\clamscan.exe<br>Example for ClamAv: /usr/bin/clamscan
AntiVirusParam= More parameters on command line
AntiVirusParamExample= Example for ClamWin: --database="C:\Program Files (x86)\ClamWin\lib"
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
ComptaSetup=Accounting module setup
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
UserSetup=User's management setup
MenuSetup=Menu's management setup
MenuLimits=Limits and accuracy
MenuIdParent=Parent menu ID
DetailMenuIdParent=ID of parent menu (0 for a top menu)
DetailPosition=Sort number to define menu position
PersonalizedMenusNotSupported=Personalized menus not supported
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
OtherOptions=Other options
Benoit Mortier's avatar
Benoit Mortier committed
OtherSetup=Other setup
CurrentValueSeparatorDecimal=Decimal separator
CurrentValueSeparatorThousand=Thousand separator
Benoit Mortier's avatar
Benoit Mortier committed
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
ModulesCommon=Main modules
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
ModulesInterfaces=Interfaces modules
ModulesSpecial=Modules very specific
ParameterInDolibarr=Parameter %s
LanguageParameter=Language parameter %s
LanguageBrowserParameter=Parameter %s
LocalisationDolibarrParameters=Localisation parameters
ClientTZ=Time Zone client (user)
ClientHour=Hour client (user)
OSTZ=Time Zone OS server
PHPTZ=Time Zone PHP server
PHPServerOffsetWithGreenwich=PHP server offset width Greenwich (seconds)
ClientOffsetWithGreenwich=Client/Browser offset width Greenwich (seconds)
DaylingSavingTime=Daylight saving time (user)
CurrentHour=Hour PHP (server)
CompanyTZ= Time Zone company (main company)
CompanyHour= Hour company (main company)
CurrentSessionTimeOut=Current session timeout
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
Benoit Mortier's avatar
Benoit Mortier committed
MaxNbOfLinesForBoxes=Max number of lines for boxes
PositionByDefault=Default order
MenusDesc=Menus managers define content of the 2 menu bars (horizontal bar and vertical bar). 
MenusEditorDesc=The menu editor allow you to define personalized entries in menus. Use it carefully to avoid making dolibarr unstable and menu entries permanently unreachable.<br>Some modules add entries in the menus (in menu <b>All</b> in most cases). If you removed some of these entries by mistake, you can restore them by disabling and reenabling the module.
MenuForUsers=Menu for users
LangFile=File .lang
Benoit Mortier's avatar
Benoit Mortier committed
Franky Van Liedekerke's avatar
Franky Van Liedekerke committed
SystemInfo=System information
SystemTools=System tools
SystemToolsArea=System tools area
Yannick Warnier's avatar
Yannick Warnier committed
SystemToolsAreaDesc=This area provides administration features. Use the menu to choose the feature you're looking for.
PurgeAreaDesc=This page allows you to delete all files built or stored by Dolibarr (temporary files or all files in <b>%s</b> directory). Using this feature is not necessary. It is provided for users whose Dolibarr is hosted by a provider that does not offer permissions to delete files built by the web server.
PurgeDeleteLogFile=Delete log file <b>%s</b> defined for Syslog module (no risk to loose data)
PurgeDeleteTemporaryFiles=Delete all temporary files (no risk to loose data)
PurgeDeleteAllFilesInDocumentsDir=Delete all files in directory <b>%s</b>. Temporary files but also database backup dumps, files attached to elements (third parties, invoices, ...) and uploaded into the ECM module will be deleted.
PurgeRunNow=Purge now
PurgeNothingToDelete=No directory or file to delete.
PurgeNDirectoriesDeleted=<b>%s</b> files or directories deleted.
PurgeAuditEvents=Purge all events
ConfirmPurgeAuditEvents=Are you sure you want to purge all security events ? All security logs will be deleted, no other data will be removed.
NewBackup=New backup
GenerateBackup=Generate backup
RunCommandSummary=Backup has been launched with the following command
RunCommandSummaryToLaunch=Backup can be launched with the following command
WebServerMustHavePermissionForCommand=Your web server must have the permission to run such commands
BackupResult=Backup result
BackupFileSuccessfullyCreated=Backup file successfully generated
YouCanDownloadBackupFile=Generated files can now be downloaded
NoBackupFileAvailable=No backup files available.
ExportMethod=Export method
ToBuildBackupFileClickHere=To build a backup file, click <a href="%s">here</a>.
ImportMySqlDesc=To import a backup file, you must use mysql command from command line:
ImportPostgreSqlDesc=To import a backup file, you must use pg_restore command from command line:
ImportMySqlCommand=%s %s < mybackupfile.sql
ImportPostgreSqlCommand=%s %s mybackupfile.sql
FileNameToGenerate=File name to generate
CommandsToDisableForeignKeysForImport=Command to disable foreign keys on import
ExportCompatibility=Compatibility of generated export file
MySqlExportParameters=MySQL export parameters
UseTransactionnalMode=Use transactional mode
FullPathToMysqldumpCommand=Full path to mysqldump command
FullPathToPostgreSQLdumpCommand=Full path to pg_dump command
ExportOptions=Export Options
AddDropDatabase=Add DROP DATABASE command
AddDropTable=Add DROP TABLE command
NameColumn=Name columns
ExtendedInsert=Extended INSERT
DelayedInsert=Delayed insert
EncodeBinariesInHexa=Encode binary data in hexadecimal
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
IgnoreDuplicateRecords=Ignore errors of duplicate records (INSERT IGNORE)
AutoDetectLang=Autodetect (browser language)
FeatureDisabledInDemo=Feature disabled in demo
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
BoxesDesc=Boxes are screen area that show a piece of information on some pages. You can choose between showing the box or not by selecting target page and clicking 'Activate', or by clicking the dustbin to disable it.
OnlyActiveElementsAreShown=Only elements from <a href="modules.php">enabled modules</a> are shown.
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
ModulesDesc=Dolibarr modules define which functionality is enabled in software. Some modules require permissions you must grant to users, after enabling module. Click on button on/off in column "Status" to enable a module/feature.
ModulesInterfaceDesc=The Dolibarr modules interface allows you to add features depending on external software, systems or services.
ModulesSpecialDesc=Special modules are very specific or seldom used modules.
ModulesJobDesc=Business modules provide simple predefined setup of Dolibarr for a particular business.
ModulesMarketPlaceDesc=You can find more modules to download on external web sites on the Internet...
ModulesMarketPlaces=More modules...
DoliStoreDesc=DoliStore, the official market place for Dolibarr ERP/CRM external modules
WebSiteDesc=Web site providers you can search to find more modules...
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
BoxesAvailable=Boxes available
BoxesActivated=Boxes activated
ActivateOn=Activate on
ActiveOn=Activated on
Benoit Mortier's avatar
Benoit Mortier committed
SourceFile=Source file
AutomaticIfJavascriptDisabled=Automatic if Javascript is disabled
AvailableOnlyIfJavascriptNotDisabled=Available only if JavaScript is not disabled
AvailableOnlyIfJavascriptAndAjaxNotDisabled=Available only if JavaScript is not disabled
DoNotStoreClearPassword=Do no store clear passwords in database but store only encrypted value (Activated recommended)
MainDbPasswordFileConfEncrypted=Database password encrypted in conf.php (Activated recommended)
InstrucToEncodePass=To have password encoded into the <b>conf.php</b> file, replace the line <br><b>$dolibarr_main_db_pass="..."</b><br>by<br><b>$dolibarr_main_db_pass="crypted:%s"</b>
InstrucToClearPass=To have password decoded (clear) into the <b>conf.php</b> file, replace the line <br><b>$dolibarr_main_db_pass="crypted:..."</b><br>by<br><b>$dolibarr_main_db_pass="%s"</b>
ProtectAndEncryptPdfFiles=Protection of generated pdf files (Activated NOT recommended, breaks mass pdf generation)
ProtectAndEncryptPdfFilesDesc=Protection of a PDF document keeps it available to read and print with any PDF browser. However, editing and copying is not possible anymore. Note that using this feature make building of a global cumulated pdf not working (like unpaid invoices).
DolibarrProjectLeader=Project leader
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
OtherDeveloppers=Other developers/contributors
OfficialWebSite=Dolibarr international official web site
OfficialWiki=Dolibarr documentation on Wiki
OfficialDemo=Dolibarr online demo
OfficialMarketPlace=Official market place for external modules/addons
ForDocumentationSeeWiki=For user's or developer's documentation (Doc, FAQs...),<br>take a look at the Dolibarr Wiki:<br><b><a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a></b>
ForAnswersSeeForum=For any other questions/help, you can use the Dolibarr forum:<br><b><a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a></b>
HelpCenterDesc1=This area can help you to get a Help support service on Dolibarr.
HelpCenterDesc2=Some part of this service are available in <b>english only</b>.
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
CurrentTopMenuHandler=Current top menu handler
CurrentLeftMenuHandler=Current left menu handler
CurrentSmartphoneMenuHandler=Current smartphone menu handler
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
MeasuringUnit=Measuring unit
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
EMailsSetup=E-mails setup
EMailsDesc=This page allows you to overwrite your PHP parameters for e-mails sending. In most cases on Unix/Linux OS, your PHP setup is correct and these parameters are useless.
MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_PORT=SMTP/SMTPS Port (By default in php.ini: <b>%s</b>)
MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_SERVER=SMTP/SMTPS Host (By default in php.ini: <b>%s</b>)
MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_PORT_NotAvailableOnLinuxLike=SMTP/SMTPS Port (Not defined into PHP on Unix like systems)
MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_SERVER_NotAvailableOnLinuxLike=SMTP/SMTPS Host (Not defined into PHP on Unix like systems)
MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_FROM=Sender e-mail for automatic emails (By default in php.ini: <b>%s</b>)
MAIN_MAIL_AUTOCOPY_TO= Send systematically a hidden carbon-copy of all sent emails to
MAIN_DISABLE_ALL_MAILS=Disable all e-mails sendings (for test purposes or demos)
MAIN_MAIL_SENDMODE=Method to use to send EMails
MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_ID=SMTP ID if authentication required
MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_PW=SMTP Password if authentication required
MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_INLINE_IMAGES= Ability to integrate images in emails
MAIN_DISABLE_ALL_SMS=Disable all SMS sendings (for test purposes or demos)
MAIN_SMS_SENDMODE=Method to use to send SMS
MAIN_MAIL_SMS_FROM=Default sender phone number for Sms sending
FeatureNotAvailableOnLinux=Feature not available on Unix like systems. Test your sendmail program locally.
SubmitTranslation=If translation for this language is not complete or you find errors, you can correct this by editing files into directory <b>langs/%s</b> and submit modified files on forum.
Remco Gerbrands's avatar
Remco Gerbrands committed
ModuleFamilyCrm=Customer Relation Management (CRM)
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
ModuleFamilyProducts=Products Management
ModuleFamilyHr=Human Resource Management
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
ModuleFamilyProjects=Projects/Collaborative work
ModuleFamilyTechnic=Mutli-modules tools
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
ModuleFamilyExperimental=Experimental modules
ModuleFamilyFinancial=Financial Modules (Accounting/Treasury)
ModuleFamilyECM=Electronic Content Management (ECM)
MenuHandlers=Menu handlers
MenuAdmin=Menu editor
ThisIsProcessToFollow=This is setup to process:
StepNb=Step %s
FindPackageFromWebSite=Find a package that provides feature you want (for example on official web site %s).
DownloadPackageFromWebSite=Download package.
UnpackPackageInDolibarrRoot=Unpack package file into Dolibarr's root directory <b>%s</b>
SetupIsReadyForUse=Install is finished and Dolibarr is ready to use with this new component.
CurrentVersion=Dolibarr current version
CallUpdatePage=Go to the page that updates the database structure and datas: %s.
LastStableVersion=Last stable version
GenericMaskCodes=You may enter any numbering mask. In this mask, the following tags could be used:<br><b>{000000}</b> corresponds to a number which will be incremented on each %s. Enter as many zeros as the desired length of the counter. The counter will be completed by zeros from the left in order to have as many zeros as the mask. <br><b>{000000+000}</b> same as previous but an offset corresponding to the number to the right of the + sign is applied starting on first %s. <br><b>{000000@x}</b> same as previous but the counter is reset to zero when month x is reached (x between 1 and 12). If this option is used and x is 2 or higher, then sequence {yy}{mm} or {yyyy}{mm} is also required. <br><b>{dd}</b> day (01 to 31).<br><b>{mm}</b> month (01 to 12).<br><b>{yy}</b>, <b>{yyyy}</b> or <b>{y}</b> year over 2, 4 or 1 numbers. <br>
GenericMaskCodes2=<b>{cccc}</b> the client code<br><b>{cccc000}</b> the client code on n characters is followed by a client's ref counter without offset and zeroized with the global counter.<br><b>{tttt}</b> The code of company type on n characters (see dictionnary-company types).<br>
GenericMaskCodes3=All other characters in the mask will remain intact.<br>Spaces are not allowed.<br>
GenericMaskCodes4a=<u>Example on the 99th %s of the third party TheCompany done 2007-01-31:</u><br>
GenericMaskCodes4b=<u>Example on third party created on 2007-03-01:</u><br>
GenericMaskCodes5=<b>ABC{yy}{mm}-{000000}</b> will give <b>ABC0701-000099</b><br><b>{0000+100}-ZZZ/{dd}/XXX</b> will give <b>0199-ZZZ/31/XXX</b>
GenericNumRefModelDesc=Return a customizable number according to a defined mask. 
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
ServerAvailableOnIPOrPort=Server is available at address <b>%s</b> on port <b>%s</b>
ServerNotAvailableOnIPOrPort=Server is not available at address <b>%s</b> on port <b>%s</b>
DoTestServerAvailability=Test server connectivity
DoTestSend=Test sending
DoTestSendHTML=Test sending HTML
Remco Gerbrands's avatar
Remco Gerbrands committed
ErrorCantUseRazInStartedYearIfNoYearMonthInMask=Error, can't use option @ if sequence {yy}{mm} or {yyyy}{mm} is not in mask.
UMask=UMask parameter for new files on Unix/Linux/BSD file system.
UMaskExplanation=This parameter allow you to define permissions set by default on files created by Dolibarr on server (during upload for example).<br>It must be the octal value (for example, 0666 means read and write for everyone).<br>This parameter is useless on a Windows server.
SeeWikiForAllTeam=Take a look at the wiki page for full list of all actors and their organisation
UseACacheDelay= Delay for caching export response in seconds (0 or empty for no cache)
DisableLinkToHelpCenter=Hide link "<b>Need help or support</b>" on login page
DisableLinkToHelp=Hide link "<b>%s Online help</b>" on left menu
AddCRIfTooLong=There is no automatic wrapping, so if line is out of page on documents because too long, you must add yourself carriage returns in the textarea.
ModuleDisabled=Module disabled
ModuleDisabledSoNoEvent=Module disabled so event never created
ConfirmPurge=Are you sure you want to execute this purge ?<br>This will delete definitely all your data files with no way to restore them (ECM files, attached files...). 
LanguageFilesCachedIntoShmopSharedMemory=Files .lang loaded in shared memory
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
ExamplesWithCurrentSetup=Examples with current running setup
ListOfDirectories=List of OpenDocument templates directories
ListOfDirectoriesForModelGenODT=List of directories containing templates files with OpenDocument format.<br><br>Put here full path of directories.<br>Add a carriage return between eah directory.<br>To add a directory of the GED module, add here <b>DOL_DATA_ROOT/ecm/yourdirectoryname</b>.<br><br>Files in those directories must end with <b>.odt</b>. 
NumberOfModelFilesFound=Number of ODT templates files found in those directories
ExampleOfDirectoriesForModelGen=Examples of syntax:<br>c:\mydir<br>/home/mydir<br>DOL_DATA_ROOT/ecm/ecmdir
FollowingSubstitutionKeysCanBeUsed=<br>To know how to create your odt document templates, before storing them in those directories, read wiki documentation: 
FirstnameNamePosition=Position of Name/Lastname
DescWeather=The following pictures will be shown on dashboard when number of late actions reach the following values:
KeyForWebServicesAccess=Key to use Web Services (parameter "dolibarrkey" in webservices)
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
TestSubmitForm=Input test form
ThisForceAlsoTheme=Using this menu manager will also use its own theme whatever is user choice. Also this menu manager specialized for smartphones does not works on all smartphone. Use another menu manager if you epxerience problems on yours. 
ThemeDir=Skins directory
ConnectionTimeout=Connexion timeout
ResponseTimeout=Response timeout
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
SmsTestMessage=Test message from __PHONEFROM__ to __PHONETO__
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
ModuleMustBeEnabledFirst=Module <b>%s</b> must be enabled first before using this feature.
SecurityToken=Security token
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
# Modules
Module0Name=Users & groups
Module0Desc=Users and groups management
Module1Name=Third parties
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module1Desc=Companies and contact's management
Module2Desc=Commercial management
Module10Desc=Simple accounting management (invoice and payment dispatching)
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module20Desc=Commercial proposal's management
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module22Desc=Mass E-mailing's management
Module23Name= Energy
Module23Desc= Monitoring the consumption of energies
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
Module25Name=Customer Orders
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module25Desc=Customer order's management
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module30Desc=Invoices and credit note's management for customers. Invoice's management for suppliers
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module40Desc=Supplier's management and buying (orders and invoices)
Module42Desc=Logging facilities (syslog)
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module49Desc=Editor's management
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module50Desc=Product's management
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module51Desc=Mass paper mailing's management
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module52Desc=Stock's management of products
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module53Desc=Service's management
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module54Desc=Contract's and service's management
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module55Desc=Barcode's management
Module56Desc=Telephony integration
Module57Name=Standing orders
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module57Desc=Standing orders and withdrawal's management
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
Module58Desc=Integration of a ClickToDial system (Asterisk, ...)
Module59Desc=Add function to generate Bookmark4u account from a Dolibarr account
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module70Desc=Intervention's management
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module75Desc=Expenses and trips note's management
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
Module80Desc=Shipments and delivery order's management
Module85Name=Banks and cash
Module85Desc=Management of bank or cash accounts
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Module100Desc=Include any external web site into Dolibarr menus and view it into a Dolibarr frame
Franky Van Liedekerke's avatar
Franky Van Liedekerke committed
Module200Desc=LDAP directory synchronisation
Module210Desc=PostNuke integration
Module240Name=Data exports
Module240Desc=Tool to export Dolibarr datas (with assistants)
Module250Name=Data imports
Module250Desc=Tool to import datas in Dolibarr  (with assistants)
Module310Desc=Foundation members management
Module320Name=RSS Feed
Module320Desc=Add RSS feed inside Dolibarr screen pages
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module330Desc=Bookmark's management
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module400Desc=Project's management inside other modules
Module410Desc=Webcalendar integration
Module500Name=Taxes, social contributions and dividends
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module500Desc=Taxes and social contribution's management
Module600Desc=Send notifications by email on some Dolibarr business events to third party's contacts
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module700Desc=Donation's management
Module800Name=OSCommerce by direct database access
Module800Desc=Interface to show an OSCommerce or OSCSS shop via direct database access
Module900Name=OSCommerce by WS
Module900Desc=Interface to show an OSCommerce shop via Web services. This module requiere you to install components from /oscommerce_ws/ws_server into your OSCommerce server. See README file in /oscommerce_ws/ws_server.
Module1200Desc=Mantis integration
Module1400Desc=Accounting management (double parties)
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module1780Desc=Categorie's management (products, suppliers and customers)
Module2000Name=WYSIWYG editor
Module2000Desc=Allow to edit some text area using an advanced editor
Module2200Name=Lending rights
Module2200Desc=Lending rights management
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
Module2300Desc=Menu's management
Module2400Desc=Actions/tasks and agenda management
Module2500Name=Electronic Content Management
Module2500Desc=Save and share documents
Module2600Name= WebServices
Module2600Desc= Enable the Dolibarr web services server
Module2700Name= Gravatar
Module2700Desc= Use online Gravatar service ( to show photo of users/members (found with their emails). Need an internet access
Module2900Name= GeoIPMaxmind
Module2900Desc= GeoIP Maxmind conversions capabilities
Module5000Desc=Allows you to manage multiple companies
Module13452Desc=Search engine in AJAX to find a name from a part of a phone number within 2 seconds
Regis Houssin's avatar
Regis Houssin committed
Module50000Desc=Module to offer an online payment page by credit card with PayBox
Module50100Name=Point of sales
Module50100Desc=Point of sales module
Regis Houssin's avatar
Regis Houssin committed
Module50200Name= Paypal
Module50200Desc= Module to offer an online payment page by credit card with Paypal
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
Permission11=Read customer invoices
Permission12=Create/modify customer invoices
Permission13=Unvalidate customer invoices
Permission14=Validate customer invoices
Permission15=Send customer invoices by email
Permission16=Create payments for customer invoices
Permission19=Delete customer invoices
Permission21=Read commercial proposals
Permission22=Create/modify commercial proposals
Permission24=Validate commercial proposals
Permission25=Send commercial proposals
Permission26=Close commercial proposals
Permission27=Delete commercial proposals
Permission28=Export commercial proposals
Permission31=Read products
Permission32=Create/modify products
Permission34=Delete products
Permission36=See/manage hidden products
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission38=Export products
Permission41=Read projects (shared project and projects i'm contact for)
Permission42=Create/modify projects (shared project and projects i'm contact for)
Permission44=Delete projects (shared project and projects i'm contact for)
Permission61=Read interventions
Permission62=Create/modify interventions
Permission64=Delete interventions
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission67=Export interventions
Permission71=Read members
Permission72=Create/modify members
Permission74=Delete members
Permission75=Setup types and attributes for members
Permission76=Export datas
Permission78=Read subscriptions
Permission79=Create/modify subscriptions
Permission81=Read customers orders
Permission82=Create/modify customers orders
Permission84=Validate customers orders
Permission86=Send customers orders
Permission87=Close customers orders
Permission88=Cancel customers orders
Permission89=Delete customers orders
Permission91=Read social contributions and vat
Permission92=Create/modify social contributions and vat
Permission93=Delete social contributions and vat
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission94=Export social contributions
Permission95=Read reports
Permission96=Setup dispatching
Permission97=Read invoice accountancy dispatching
Permission98=Dispatch invoice's accountancy lines
Permission101=Read sendings
Permission102=Create/modify sendings
Permission104=Validate sendings
Permission109=Delete sendings
Permission111=Read financial accounts
Permission112=Create/modify/delete and compare transactions
Permission113=Setup financiel accounts (create, manage categories)
Permission115=Export transactions and account statements
Permission116=Transfers between accounts
Permission117=Manage cheques dispatching
Permission121=Read third parties linked to user
Permission122=Create/modify third parties linked to user
Permission125=Delete third parties linked to user
Permission126=Export third parties
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
Permission141=Read projects (also private i am not contact for)
Permission142=Create/modify projects (also private i am not contact for)
Permission144=Delete projects (also private i am not contact for)
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission146=Read providers
Permission147=Read stats
Permission151=Read standing orders
Permission152=Create/modify a standing orders request
Permission153=Read standing orders receipts
Permission153=Transmission standing orders receipts
Permission154=Credit/refuse standing orders receipts
Permission161=Read contracts
Permission162=Create/modify contracts
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
Permission163=Activate a service of a contract
Permission164=Disable a service of a contract
Permission165=Delete contracts
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
Permission171=Read trips
Permission172=Create/modify trips
Permission173=Delete trips
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission178=Export trips
Permission181=Read supplier orders
Permission182=Create/modify supplier orders
Permission183=Validate supplier orders
Permission184=Approve supplier orders
Permission185=Order supplier orders
Permission186=Receive supplier orders
Permission187=Close supplier orders
Permission188=Cancel supplier orders
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission192=Create lines
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission193=Cancel lines
Permission194=Read the bandwith lines
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission202=Create ADSL connections
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission203=Order connections orders
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission204=Order connections
Permission205=Manage connections
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission206=Read connections
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission211=Read Telephony
Permission212=Order lines
Permission213=Activate line
Permission214=Setup Telephony
Permission215=Setup providers
Permission221=Read emailings
Permission222=Create/modify emailings (topic, recipients...)
Permission223=Validate emailings (allows sending)
Permission229=Delete emailings
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission231=Define mode of payment
Permission232=Create/modify supplier invoices
Permission233=Validate supplier invoices
Permission234=Delete supplier invoices
Permission236=Export supplier invoices
Permission241=Read categories
Permission242=Create/modify categories
Permission243=Delete categories
Permission244=See the contents of the hidden categories
Permission251=Read other users and groups
PermissionAdvanced251=Read other users
Regis Houssin's avatar
Regis Houssin committed
Permission252=Read permissions of other users
Permission253=Create/modify other users, groups and permisssions
PermissionAdvanced253=Create/modify internal/external users and permissions
Permission254=Create/modify external users only
Permission255=Modify other users password
Permission256=Delete or disable other users
Permission262=Extend access to all third parties (not only those linked to user). Not effective for external users (always limited to themselves).
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission271=Read CA
Permission272=Read invoices
Permission273=Issue invoices
Permission281=Read contacts
Permission282=Create/modify contacts
Permission283=Delete contacts
Permission286=Export contacts
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission291=Read tariffs
Permission292=Set permissions on the tariffs
Permission293=Modify costumers tariffs
Permission300=Read bar codes
Permission301=Create/modify bar codes
Permission302=Delete bar codes
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission311=Read services
Permission312=Assign service to contract
Permission331=Read bookmarks
Permission332=Create/modify bookmarks
Permission333=Delete bookmarks
Permission341=Read its own permissions
Permission342=Create/modify his own user information
Permission343=Modify his own password
Permission344=Modify its own permissions
Regis Houssin's avatar
Regis Houssin committed
Permission351=Read groups
Permission352=Read groups permissions
Permission353=Create/modify groups
Permission354=Delete or disable groups
Permission358=Export users
Permission401=Read discounts
Permission402=Create/modify discounts
Permission403=Validate discounts
Permission404=Delete discounts
Permission531=Read services
Permission532=Create/modify services
Permission534=Delete services
Permission536=See/manage hidden services
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
Permission701=Read donations
Permission702=Create/modify donations
Permission703=Delete donations
Permission1001=Read stocks
Permission1002=Create/modify stocks
Permission1003=Delete stocks
Permission1004=Read stock's movements
Permission1005=Create/modify stock's movements
Permission1101=Read delivery orders
Permission1102=Create/modify delivery orders
Permission1104=Validate delivery orders
Permission1109=Delete delivery orders
Permission1181=Read suppliers
Permission1182=Read supplier orders
Permission1183=Create/modify supplier orders
Permission1184=Validate supplier orders
Permission1185=Approve supplier orders
Permission1186=Order supplier orders
Permission1187=Acknowledge receipt of supplier orders
Permission1188=Delete supplier orders
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
Permission1201=Get result of an export
Permission1202=Create/Modify an export
Permission1232=Create/modify supplier invoices
Permission1233=Validate supplier invoices
Permission1234=Delete supplier invoices
Permission1235=Send supplier invoices by email
Permission1236=Export supplier invoices, attributes and payments
Permission1251=Run mass imports of external data into database (data load)
Permission1321=Export customer invoices, attributes and payments
Juanjo Menent's avatar
Juanjo Menent committed
Permission1421=Export customer orders and attributes
Permission2401=Read actions (events or tasks) linked to his account
Permission2402=Create/modify actions (events or tasks) linked to his account
Permission2403=Delete actions (events or tasks) linked to his account
Permission2411=Read actions (events or tasks) of others
Permission2412=Create/modify actions (events or tasks) of others
Permission2413=Delete actions (events or tasks) of others
Permission2501=Read/Download documents
Permission2502=Download documents
Permission2503=Submit or delete documents
Permission2515=Setup documents directories
Regis Houssin's avatar
Regis Houssin committed
Permission50201= Read transactions
Permission50202= Import transactions
DictionnaryCompanyType=Company types
DictionnaryCompanyJuridicalType=Juridical kinds of company
DictionnaryProspectLevel=Prospect potential level
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
DictionnaryCivility=Civility title
DictionnarySocialContributions=Social contributions types
DictionnaryVAT=VAT Rates or Sales Tax Rates
DictionnaryPaymentConditions=Payment terms
DictionnaryPaymentModes=Payment modes
DictionnaryTypeContact=Contact types
DictionnaryEcotaxe=Ecotax (WEEE)
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
DictionnaryPaperFormat=Paper formats
DictionnarySendingMethods=Shipping methods
DictionnaryOrderMethods=Ordering methods
SetupSaved=Setup saved
BackToModuleList=Back to modules list
BackToDictionnaryList=Back to dictionaries list
VATReceivedOnly=Special rate not charged
VATIsUsedDesc=The VAT rate by default when creating prospects, invoices, orders etc follow the active standard rule:<br>If the seller is subjected to VAT, then VAT by default=0. End of rule.<br>If the (selling country= buying country), then the VAT by default=VAT of the product in the selling country. End of rule. <br>If seller and buyer in the European Community and goods are transport products (car, ship, plane), the default VAT=0 ( The VAT should be paid by the buyer at the customoffice of his country and not at the seller). End of rule.<br>If seller and buyer in the European Community and buyer is not a company, then the VAT by default=VAT of product sold.  End of rule.<br>If seller and buyer in the European Community and buyer is a company, then the VAT by default=0. End of rule.<br>Else the proposed default VAT=0. End of rule.
VATIsNotUsedDesc=By default the proposed VAT is 0 which can be used for cases like associations, individuals ou small companies.
VATIsUsedExampleFR=In France, it means companies or organisations having a real fiscal system (Simplified real or normal real).  A system in which VAT is declared.
VATIsNotUsedExampleFR=In France, it means associations that are non VAT declared or companies, organisations or liberal professions that have chosen the micro enterprise fiscal system (VAT in franchise) and paid a franchise VAT without any VAT declaration.  This choice will display the reference "Non applicable VAT - art-293B of CGI" on invoices.
##### Local Taxes #####
LocalTax1ManagementES= RE Management
LocalTax1IsUsedDescES= The RE rate by default when creating prospects, invoices, orders etc follow the active standard rule:<br>If te buyer is not subjected to RE, RE by default=0. End of rule.<br>If the buyer is subjected to RE then the RE by default. End of rule.<br>
LocalTax1IsNotUsedDescES= By default the proposed RE is 0. End of rule.
LocalTax1IsUsedExampleES= In Spain they are professionals subject to some specific sections of the Spanish IAE.
LocalTax1IsNotUsedExampleES= In Spain they are professional and societies and subject to certain sections of the Spanish IAE.
LocalTax2ManagementES= IRPF Management
LocalTax2IsUsedDescES= The RE rate by default when creating prospects, invoices, orders etc follow the active standard rule:<br>If the seller is not subjected to IRPF, then IRPF by default=0. End of rule.<br>If the seller is subjected to IRPF then the IRPF by default. End of rule.<br>
LocalTax2IsNotUsedDescES= By default the proposed IRPF is 0. End of rule.
LocalTax2IsUsedExampleES= In Spain, freelancers and independent professionals who provide services and companies who have chosen the tax system of modules.
LocalTax2IsNotUsedExampleES= In Spain they are bussines not subject to tax system of modules.
LabelUsedByDefault=Label used by default if no translation can be found for code
LabelOnDocuments=Label on documents
NbOfDays=Nb of days
AtEndOfMonth=At end of month
Benoit Mortier's avatar
Benoit Mortier committed
AlwaysActive=Always active
UpdateRequired=Your system needs to be updated. To do this, click on <a href="%s">Update now</a>.
MenuUpgrade=Upgrade / Extend
AddExtensionThemeModuleOrOther=Add extension (theme, module, ...)
DocumentRootServer=Web server's root directory
DataRootServer=Data files directory
PhpWebLink=Web-Php link
PearPackages=Pear Packages
DatabaseServer=Database host
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
DatabasePort=Database port
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
DatabaseUser=Database user
DatabasePassword=Database password
DatabaseConfiguration=Database setup
TableName=Table name
TableLineFormat=Line format
NbOfRecord=Nb of records
ConstraintsType=Constraint's type
ConstraintsToShowOrNotEntry=Constraint to show or not the menu entry
AllMustBeOk=All of these must be checked
SummarySystem=System information summary
SummaryConst=List of all Dolibarr setup parameters
SystemUpdate=System update
SystemSuccessfulyUpdate=Your system has been updated successfuly
MenuNewUser=New user
MenuSmartphoneManager=Smartphone menu manager
DefaultMenuTopManager=Top menu manager
DefaultMenuLeftManager=Left menu manager
DefaultMenuManager= Standard menu manager
DefaultMenuSmartphoneManager=Smartphone menu manager
Skin=Skin theme
DefaultSkin=Default skin theme
MaxSizeList=Max length for list
DefaultMaxSizeList=Default max length for list
MessageOfDay=Message of the day
MessageLogin=Login page message
PermanentLeftSearchForm=Permanent search form on left menu
DefaultLanguage=Default language to use (language code)
EnableMultilangInterface=Enable multilingual interface
SystemSuccessfulyUpdated=Your system has been updated successfully
Franky Van Liedekerke's avatar
Franky Van Liedekerke committed
CompanyInfo=Company/foundation information
CompanyIds=Company/foundation identities
CompanyCurrency=Main currency
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
DoNotShow=Do not show
DoNotSuggestPaymentMode=Do not suggest
NoActiveBankAccountDefined=No active bank account defined
OwnerOfBankAccount=Owner of bank account %s
BankModuleNotActive=Bank accounts module not enabled
ShowBugTrackLink=Show link "Report a bug"
ShowWorkBoard=Show "workbench" on homepage
DelayBeforeWarning=Delay before warning
DelaysBeforeWarning=Delays before warning
DelaysOfToleranceBeforeWarning=Tolerance delays before warning
DelaysOfToleranceDesc=This screen allows you to define the tolerated delays before an alert is reported on screen with picto %s for each late element.
DelaysOfToleranceActionsToDo=Delay tolerance (in days) before alert on planned actions not yet realised
DelaysOfToleranceOrdersToProcess=Delay tolerance (in days) before alert on orders not yet processed
DelaysOfToleranceSuppliersOrdersToProcess=Delay tolerance (in days) before alert on suppliers orders not yet processed
DelaysOfTolerancePropalsToClose=Delay tolerance (in days) before alert on proposals to close
DelaysOfTolerancePropalsToBill=Delay tolerance (in days) before alert on proposals not billed
DelaysOfToleranceNotActivatedServices=Tolerance delay (in days) before alert on services to activate
DelaysOfToleranceRunningServices=Tolerance delay (in days) before alert on expired services
DelaysOfToleranceSupplierBillsToPay=Tolerance delay (in days) before alert on unpaid supplier invoices
DelaysOfToleranceCustomerBillsUnpaid=Tolerence delay (in days) before alert on unpaid client invoices
DelaysOfToleranceTransactionsToConciliate=Tolerance delay (in days) before alert on pending bank reconciliation
DelaysOfToleranceMembers=Tolerance delay (in days) before alert on delayed membership fee
DelaysOfToleranceChequesToDeposit=Tolerance delay (in days) before alert for cheques deposit to do
SetupDescription1=All parameters available in the setup area allow you to setup Dolibarr before starting using it.
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
SetupDescription2=The 2 most important setup steps are the 2 first ones in the left setup menu, this means Company/foundation setup page and Modules setup page:
SetupDescription3=Parameters in menu <b>Setup -> Company/foundation</b> are required because input information is used on Dolibarr displays and to modify Dolibarr behaviour (for example for features related to your country).
SetupDescription4=Parameters in menu <b>Setup -> Modules</b> are required because Dolibarr is not a fixed ERP/CRM but a sum of several modules, all more or less independant. It's only after activating modules you're interesting in that you will see features appeared in menus.
SetupDescription5=Other menu entries manage optional parameters.
EventsSetup=Setup for events logs
LogEvents=Security audit events
ListEvents=Audit events
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
ListOfSecurityEvents=List of Dolibarr security events
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
LogEventDesc=You can enable here the logging for Dolibarr security events. Administrators can then see its content via menu <b>System tools - Audit</b>. Warning, this feature can consume a large amount of data in database.
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
AreaForAdminOnly=Those features can be used by <b>administrator users</b> only.
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
SystemInfoDesc=System information is miscellaneous technical information you get in read only mode and visible for administrators only.
SystemAreaForAdminOnly=This area is available for administrator users only. None of the Dolibarr permissions can reduce this limit.
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
CompanyFundationDesc=Edit on this page all known information of the company or foundation you need to manage
DisplayDesc=You can choose each parameter related to the Dolibarr look and feel here
AvailableModules=Available modules
ToActivateModule=To activate modules, go on setup Area (Home->Setup->Modules).
SessionTimeOut=Time out for session
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
SessionExplanation=This number guarantee that session will never expire before this delay. But PHP session management does not guaranty that session always expire after this delay: This occurs if a system to clean cache session is running.<br>Note: with no particular system, internal PHP process will clean session every about <b>%s/%s</b> access but only during access made by other sessions. 
TriggersAvailable=Available triggers
TriggersDesc=Triggers are files that will modify the behaviour of Dolibarr workflow once copied into the directory <b>htdocs/includes/triggers</b>. They realised new actions, activated on Dolibarr events (new company creation, invoice validation, ...).
TriggerDisabledByName=Triggers in this file are disabled by the <b>-NORUN</b> suffix in their name.
TriggerDisabledAsModuleDisabled=Triggers in this file are disabled as module <b>%s</b> is disabled.
TriggerAlwaysActive=Triggers in this file are always active, whatever are the activated Dolibarr modules.
TriggerActiveAsModuleActive=Triggers in this file are active as module <b>%s</b> is enabled.
GeneratedPasswordDesc=Define here which rule you want to use to generate new password if you ask to have auto generated password
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
DictionnaryDesc=Define here all reference datas. You can complete predefined value with yours.
ConstDesc=This page allows you to edit all other parameters not available in previous pages. They are reserved parameters for advanced developers or for troubleshouting.
Yannick Warnier's avatar
Yannick Warnier committed
OnceSetupFinishedCreateUsers=Warning, you are a Dolibarr administrator user. Administrator users are used to setup Dolibarr. For a usual usage of Dolibarr, it is recommended to use a non administrator user created from Users & Groups menu.
MiscellanousDesc=Define here all other parameters related to security.
LimitsSetup=Limits/Precision setup
LimitsDesc=You can define limits, precisions and optimisations used by Dolibarr here
MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_UNIT=Max decimals for unit prices
MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_TOT=Max decimals for total prices
MAIN_MAX_DECIMALS_SHOWN=Max decimals for prices shown on screen (Add <b>...</b> after this number if you want to see <b>...</b> when number is truncated when shown on screen)
MAIN_DISABLE_PDF_COMPRESSION=Use PDF compression for generated PDF files.
MAIN_ROUNDING_RULE_TOT= Size of rounding range (for rare countries where rounding is done on something else than base 10)
UnitPriceOfProduct=Net unit price of a product
TotalPriceAfterRounding=Total price (net/vat/incl tax) after rounding
ParameterActiveForNextInputOnly=Parameter effective for next input only
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
NoEventOrNoAuditSetup=No security event has been recorded yet. This can be normal if audit has not been enabled on "setup - security - audit" page.
NoEventFoundWithCriteria=No security event has been found for such search criterias.
SeeLocalSendMailSetup=See your local sendmail setup
BackupDesc=To make a complete backup of Dolibarr, you must:
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
BackupDesc2=* Save content of documents directory (<b>%s</b>) that contains all uploaded and generated files (you can make a zip for example).
BackupDesc3=* Save content of your database into a dump file. for this, you can use following assistant.
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
BackupDescX=Archived directory should be stored in a secure place.
BackupDescY=The generated dump file should be stored in a secure place.
RestoreDesc=To restore a Dolibarr backup, you must:
RestoreDesc2=* Restore archive file (zip file for example) of documents directory to extract tree of files in documents directory of a new Dolibarr installation or into this current documents directoy (<b>%s</b>).
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
RestoreDesc3=* Restore the data, from a backup dump file, into the database of the new Dolibarr installation or into the database of this current installation. Warning, once restore is finished, you must use a login/password, that existed when backup was made, to connect again. To restore a backup database into this current installation, you can follow this assistant.
ForcedToByAModule= This rule is forced to <b>%s</b> by an activated module
PreviousDumpFiles=Available database backup dump files
WeekStartOnDay=First day of week 
RunningUpdateProcessMayBeRequired=Running the upgrade process seems to be required (Programs version %s differs from database version %s)
YouMustRunCommandFromCommandLineAfterLoginToUser=You must run this command from command line after login to a shell with user <b>%s</b> or you must add -W option at end of command line to provide <b>%s</b> password.
YourPHPDoesNotHaveSSLSupport=SSL functions not available in your PHP
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
DownloadMoreSkins=More skins to download
SimpleNumRefModelDesc=Return the reference number with format %syymm-nnnn where yy is year, mm is month and nnnn is a sequence without hole and with no reset
ShowProfIdInAddress=Show professionnal id with addresses on documents
TranslationUncomplete=Partial translation
SomeTranslationAreUncomplete=Some languages may be partially translated or may contains errors. If you detect some, you can fix <b>.lang</b> text files into directory <b>htdocs/langs</b> and submit them on the forum at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. 
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
MenuUseLayout=Make vertical menu hidable (option javascript must not be disabled)
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
MAIN_DISABLE_METEO=Disable meteo view
TestLoginToAPI=Test login to API
ProxyDesc=Some features of Dolibarr need to have an Internet access to work. Define here parameters for this. If the Dolibarr server is behind a Proxy server, those parameters tells Dolibarr how to access Internet through it. 
ExternalAccess=External access
MAIN_PROXY_USE=Use a proxy server (otherwise direct access to internet)
MAIN_PROXY_HOST=Name/Address of proxy server
MAIN_PROXY_PORT=Port of proxy server
MAIN_PROXY_USER=Login to use the proxy server
MAIN_PROXY_PASS=Password to use the proxy server
DefineHereComplementaryAttributes=Define here all atributes, not already available by default, and that you want to be supported for %s.
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
##### Module password generation
PasswordGenerationStandard=Return a password generated according to internal Dolibarr algorithm: 8 characters containing shared numbers and characters in lowercase.
PasswordGenerationNone=Do not suggest any generated password. Password must be type in manually.
##### Users setup #####
UserGroupSetup=Users and groups module setup
GeneratePassword=Suggest a generated password
RuleForGeneratedPasswords=Rule to generate suggested passwords or validate passwords
DoNotSuggest=Do not suggest any password
EncryptedPasswordInDatabase=To allow the encryption of the passwords in the database
DisableForgetPasswordLinkOnLogonPage=Do not show the link "Forget password" on login page
UsersSetup=Users module setup
UserMailRequired=EMail required to create a new user
##### Company setup #####
CompanySetup=Companies module setup
CompanyCodeChecker=Module for third parties code generation and checking (customer or supplier)
AccountCodeManager=Module for accountancy code generation (customer or supplier)
ModuleCompanyCodeAquarium=Return an accountancy code built by "401" followed by third party supplier code for a supplier accountancy code, and "411" followed by third party customer code for a customer accountancy code.
ModuleCompanyCodePanicum=Return an empty accountancy code.
ModuleCompanyCodeDigitaria=Accountancy code depends on third party code. The code is composed of the character "C" in the first position followed by the first 5 characters of the third party code.  
UseNotifications=Use notifications
NotificationsDesc=EMails notifications feature allows you to silently send automatic mail, for some Dolibarr events, to third parties (customers or suppliers) that are configured to. Choice of active notification and targets contacts is made one third party at time.
ModelModules=Documents templates
DocumentModelOdt=Generate documents from OpenDocuments templates (.ODT files for OpenOffice, KOffice, TextEdit,...)
WatermarkOnDraft=Watermark on draft document
WebCalSetup=Webcalendar link setup
WebCalSyncro=Add Dolibarr events to WebCalendar
WebCalAllways=Always, no asking
WebCalYesByDefault=On demand (yes by default)
WebCalNoByDefault=On demand (no by default)
WebCalURL=URL for calendar access
WebCalServer=Server hosting calendar database
WebCalDatabaseName=Database name
WebCalUser=User to access database
WebCalSetupSaved=Webcalendar setup saved successfully.
WebCalTestOk=Connection to server '%s' on database '%s' with user '%s' successfull.
WebCalTestKo1=Connection to server '%s' succeed but database '%s' could not be reached.
WebCalTestKo2=Connection to server '%s' with user '%s' failed.
WebCalErrorConnectOkButWrongDatabase=Connection succeeded but database doesn't look to be a Webcalendar database.
WebCalAddEventOnCreateActions=Add calendar event on actions create
WebCalAddEventOnCreateCompany=Add calendar event on companies create
WebCalAddEventOnStatusPropal=Add calendar event on commercial proposals status change
WebCalAddEventOnStatusContract=Add calendar event on contracts status change
WebCalAddEventOnStatusBill=Add calendar event on bills status change
WebCalAddEventOnStatusMember=Add calendar event on members status change
WebCalUrlForVCalExport=An export link to <b>%s</b> format is available at following link: %s
WebCalCheckWebcalSetup=Maybe the Webcal module setup is not correct.
##### Invoices #####
BillsSetup=Invoices module setup
BillsDate=Invoices date
BillsNumberingModule=Invoices and credit notes numbering module
CreditNoteSetup=Credit note module setup
CreditNotePDFModules=Credit note document models
CreditNote=Credit note
CreditNotes=Credit notes
ForceInvoiceDate=Force invoice date to validation date
DisableRepeatable=Disable repeatable invoices
SuggestedPaymentModesIfNotDefinedInInvoice=Suggested payments mode on invoice by default if not defined for invoice
EnableEditDeleteValidInvoice=Enable the possibility to edit/delete valid invoice with no payment
SuggestPaymentByRIBOnAccount=Suggest payment by withdraw on account
SuggestPaymentByChequeToAddress=Suggest payment by cheque to
FreeLegalTextOnInvoices=Free text on invoices
WatermarkOnDraftInvoices=Watermark on draft invoices (any if empty)
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
##### Proposals #####
PropalSetup=Commercial proposals module setup
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
CreateForm=Create forms
NumberOfProductLines=Number of product lines
PathToDocuments=Path to documents
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
ProposalsNumberingModules=Commercial proposal numbering modules
ProposalsPDFModules=Commercial proposal documents models
ClassifiedInvoicedWithOrder=Classify invoiced proposal at the same time as the order
HideTreadedPropal=Hide the treated commercial proposals in the list
AddShippingDateAbility=Add shipping date ability
AddDeliveryAddressAbility=Add delivery date ability
UseOptionLineIfNoQuantity=A line of product/service with a zero amount is considered as an option
FreeLegalTextOnProposal=Free text on commercial proposals
WatermarkOnDraftProposal=Watermark on draft commercial proposals (any if empty)
##### Orders #####
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
OrdersSetup=Order's management setup
OrdersNumberingModules=Orders numbering modules
HideTreadedOrders=Hide the treated or canceled orders in the list
ValidOrderAfterPropalClosed=To validate the order after proposal closer, makes it possible not to step by the provisional order
FreeLegalTextOnOrders=Free text on orders
WatermarkOnDraftOrders=Watermark on draft orders (any if empty)
##### Clicktodial #####
ClickToDialSetup=Click To Dial module setup
ClickToDialUrlDesc=Url called when a click on phone picto is done.  In URL, you can use tags<br><b>__PHONETO__</b> that will be replaced with the phone number of person to call<br><b>__PHONEFROM__</b> that will be replaced with phone number of calling person (yours)<br><b>__LOGIN__</b> that will be replaced with your clicktodial login (defined on your user card)<br><b>__PASS__</b> that will be replaced with your clicktodial password (defined on your user card).
##### Bookmark4u #####
Bookmark4uSetup=Bookmark4u module setup
##### Interventions #####
InterventionsSetup=Interventions module setup
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
FreeLegalTextOnInterventions=Free text on intervention documents
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
FicheinterNumberingModules=Intervention numbering modules
TemplatePDFInterventions=Intervention card documents models
WatermarkOnDraftInterventionCards=Watermark on intervention card documents (any if empty)
##### Contracts #####
ContractsSetup=Contracts module setup
ContractsNumberingModules=Contracts numbering modules
##### Members #####
MembersSetup=Members module setup
MemberMainOptions=Main options
AddSubscriptionIntoAccount=Suggest by default to create a bank transaction, in bank module, when adding a new payed subscription 
AdherentLoginRequired= Manage a Login for each member
AdherentMailRequired=EMail required to create a new member
MemberSendInformationByMailByDefault=Checkbox to send mail confirmation to members (validation or new subscription) is on by default
##### LDAP setup #####
LDAPFunctionsNotAvailableOnPHP=LDAP functions are not available on your PHP
Regis Houssin's avatar
Regis Houssin committed
LDAPToDolibarr=LDAP -> Dolibarr
DolibarrToLDAP=Dolibarr -> LDAP
Laurent Destailleur's avatar
Laurent Destailleur committed
LDAPNamingAttribute=Key in LDAP
LDAPSynchronizeUsers=Organization of users in LDAP
LDAPSynchronizeGroups=Organization of groups in LDAP
LDAPSynchronizeContacts=Organization of contacts in LDAP
LDAPSynchronizeMembers=Organization of foundation's members in LDAP 
LDAPTypeExample=OpenLdap, Egroupware or Active Directory
LDAPPrimaryServer=Primary server
LDAPSecondaryServer=Secondary server
LDAPServerPort=Server port
LDAPServerPortExample=Default port : 389
LDAPServerProtocolVersion=Protocol version
Regis Houssin's avatar
Regis Houssin committed
LDAPServerUseTLSExample=Your LDAP server use TLS
LDAPServerDn=Server DN
LDAPAdminDn=Administrator DN
LDAPAdminDnExample=Complete DN (ex: cn=adminldap,dc=society,dc=com)
LDAPPassword=Administrator password
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Regis Houssin committed
LDAPUserDn=Users' DN
LDAPUserDnExample=Complete DN (ex: ou=users,dc=society,dc=com)
LDAPGroupDn=Groups' DN
LDAPGroupDnExample=Complete DN (ex: ou=groups,dc=society,dc=com)
LDAPServerExample=Server address (ex: localhost,, ldaps://
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Regis Houssin committed
LDAPServerDnExample=Complete DN (ex: dc=company,dc=com)
LDAPPasswordExample=Admin password
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Regis Houssin committed
LDAPDnSynchroActive=Users and groups synchronization
LDAPDnSynchroActiveExample=LDAP to Dolibarr or Dolibarr to LDAP synchronization
LDAPDnContactActive=Contacts' synchronization
LDAPDnContactActiveYes=Activated synchronization
LDAPDnContactActiveExample=Activated/Unactivated synchronization
LDAPDnMemberActive=Members' synchronization
LDAPDnMemberActiveExample=Activated/Unactivated synchronization
Regis Houssin's avatar
Regis Houssin committed
LDAPContactDn=Dolibarr contacts' DN
LDAPContactDnExample=Complete DN (ex: ou=contacts,dc=society,dc=com)
Philippe Grand's avatar
Philippe Grand committed
LDAPMemberDn=Dolibarr member's DN
LDAPMemberDnExample=Complete DN (ex: ou=members,dc=society,dc=com)